Gunslinger … Again

Warm up:

  • One lap around the church


The Thang:

Cycle 1:

  • 5 right arm Turkish get-ups (w/ KB)

  • 5 mason twists (w/ KB)

Cycle 2:

  • 10 KB cleans – 5 each arm

  • 5 left arm Turkish get-ups (w/ KB)

  • 10 mason twists (w/ KB)

Cycle 3:

  • 15 KB swings

  • 10 KB snatches – 5 each arm

  • 5 right arm Turkish get-ups (w/ KB)

  • 15 mason twists (w/ KB)

Cycle 4:

  • 20 KB presses (10 each arm)

  • 15 KB swings

  • 10 KB cleans – 5 each arm

  • 5 left arm Turkish get-ups (w/ KB)

  • 20 mason twists (w/ KB)

Cycle 5:

  • 25 KB squats

  • 20 KB presses (10 each arm)

  • 15 KB High Pulls

  • 10 KB snatches – 5 each arm

  • 5 right arm Turkish get-ups (w/ KB)

  • 20 mason twists (w/ KB)

  • 5 World War II sit-ups (w/ KB

Cycle 6:

  • 30 KB curls

  • 25 KB squats

  • 20 KB presses (10 each arm)

  • 15 KB swings

  • 10 KB cleans – 5 each arm

  • 5 left arm Turkish get-ups (w/ KB) or 5 burpees

  • 20 mason twists (w/ KB)

  • 10 World War II sit-ups (w/ KB)

Cycle 7:

  • 30 second KB side plank (each side)

  • 30 KB curls

  • 25 KB squats

  • 20 KB presses (10 each arm)

  • 15 KB swings

  • 10 KB snatches – 5 each arm

  • 5 right arm Turkish get-ups (w/ KB) or 8 burpees

  • 20 mason twists (w/ KB)

  • 15 World War II sit-ups (w/ KB)

Cycle 8:

  • 40 gunslinger lunges – 20 each leg

  • 30 second KB side plank (each side)

  • 30 KB curls

  • 25 KB squats

  • 20 KB presses (10 each arm)

  • 15 KB swings

  • 15 KB high pulls

  • 10 KB cleans – 5 each arm

  • 10 KB snatches – 5 each arm

  • 5 left arm Turkish get-ups (w/ KB) or 10 burpees

  • 20 mason twists (w/ KB)

  • 10 V-ups (w/ KB)



  • Ain’t got no time for that



  • One new exercise: gunslinger lunge – it’s a back lunge (meaning the lunging leg steps backward) while the alternate arm swings the KB forward to a horizontal arm position like a gunslinger.

  • The Turkish Getup received special ire from the PAX today and they did suck.

  • Congratulations to Uncle Rico for attending his 200th Blender

  • Thanks to Springfield for stepping up to Q the Lake Norman CSAUP, The Bear, which is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th starting/finishing at GCC.Preblast to come.

  • Thanks to Dallas for giving me the opportunity to lead these fine men

  • Excellent use of blue shorts today by Mini Me (never mind, he was a no show).And while we are on the subject, many thanks to Mini Me for EH’ing me 5+ years ago at a Mt. Zion “Journey” men’s breakfast.He is such a dreamy guy and I’m just so darn glad he brought me to this group of men.If you feel the same – either that mini me is dreamy or – that you are thankful for the brother who EH’d you, spread the word.Jolly Roger said it best that someone out there is praying for this and they won’t know unless you tell them.Someday YOU might be dreamy.