The Pax gathered for the gym class rewind, reliving the days of middle school where the gym teacher would take a smoke break while the class exercised…
Welcome Party (in a rank): SSH x 25, TS x 15, IST x 15, Mericans x 10
- Run 1/3 mile while virtual gym coach smoked.
- Plank-in-line: Everyone plank while one member runs the lot, back in plank, next man runs, continuous plank until all have run.
- Run 1/3 mile again while virtual gym coach smokes another.
- Pain Clock: imaginary clock face over entire lot. Run 1 hour 15. 5 Burpees, 10 Mericans, 15 Squats. Repeato until you cover the entire face (4 rounds and finish with a run)
- Sweat-in-line: like Plank-in-line but the run picks the exercise on return.
- Run 1/3 mile again.
- Sweat-in-line Repeato
- Quite the muggy morning: sweat was dripping not for the work but the humidity.
- Must be runnin' season… almost two miles today.
- Great job, men! always a honor to lead fine men.