Hacker finally gets some respect

Event Date

Sep 27, 2016


first off, i didn't record names and was half asleep so i apologize for the meager list of pax above. Several of you (Riptide, Tinman) aren't in the system, so email f3isotopeweb@gmail.com to fix that.

OK, so I finally get some respect! My 50th was on Sunday but i was at the beach, so i didn't get to Q on my b-day, this was the next available date. It was the early shift, so i didn't expect a huge turnout, so thanks to everyone who showed up and worked hard this morning!

?I threw out the option of 'track or church?', the only response was from Riptide who said pavers, so we went with that.

Standard warmup, ssh, ist, stretch

mosey to DUMC, grab a paver

50 squat press IC (reps of 14/12/10/8/6, with paver-lunge-walks in between each set)

50 curls IC (reps of 14/12/10/8/6, with paver-lunge-walks in between each set)

50 skull crushers IC (reps of 14/12/10/8/6, with paver-lunge-walks in between each set)

50 bent over rows IC (reps of 14/12/10/8/6, with paver-lunge-walks in between each set)

50 dips

50 merkins

10 pullups

50 LBCs

50 low flutter

50 freddy mercury

50 mason twist

50 box cutter

50 rosalita

25 crunchy frog


?total 860 reps total (i might have forgotten one of the ab exercises)


?Great work fellas, here's to the next 50!


?i showed up at 5:15, according to one of the clocks i saw when i rolled up 🙂
?the 5:30 crowd was huge, but they definitely needed the beauty rest. thank goodness it was still dark when they got to DUMC.
?you all worked hard, great effort by all!
?I'm thankful for another year on this planet, and blessed beyond measure.


