Hacker’s first effort for ‘Most Loved Q’

Event Date

Feb 25, 2017


The Davidson AO has had 58 and 51 pax the previous two Saturdays, so YHC suggested we split ranks into two more manageable-sized mobs.  Das Boot took his 'non-runners' to DUMC, and YHC (Hacker) took the rest to the Davidson track.  I set expectations yesterday with a tweet that i had been checking out http://www.f3nation.com/exercises so they had been warned.

Das Boot and YHC alternated warmup exercises before we parted ways.


more SSH

Hillbillies *

Mountain Climbers

Copperhead Squats *


Low Country Crab Cakes *

<at this point Das Boot's crew headed to DUMC, and Hacker's band of gentlemen headed to the track>

At the track, YHC promised the pax that they were about to particpate in the worst stadium run ever. 

Run up Stairs.

Racoon crawl across top of bleachers, run down stairs. At the bottom of each set of stairs, YHC had a piece of paper with different exercises & reps, which were as follows:

  1. Alternating Lunge 10 each leg
  2. Diamond Merkin 10 IC
  3. Dip 10 IC
  4. Alt Step Up 10 each leg
  5. Pull Up 20
  6. Incline Merkin 10 IC
  7. Wide Merkin 10 IC
  8. Plank Jacks 10 IC
  9. Jump Squat 20
  10. People's Chair till everyone finishes

Mosey to scoreboard.

Good Morning Abby x10.

Mosey to goal line. Pick a partner and wheelbarrow to 25, switch partners and continue to midfield.

Midpoint Mary! LBC, Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercury.

Caterpillar from midfield to goal line.*

Mosey to endzone, 10 IC merkins.

Mosey to 0, partner carry to 25, flapjack.

Sphinx Merkin 5 IC. *

Indian Bear Crawl from 50 to goal line. *

Run the stadium again w/no add'l exercises

Mosey back to green

10 IC Diamond Merkins

10 IC Dips

10 IC Wide Merkins

10 Imperial Squat Walkers *

Mary: LBC, some crazy 8-count dolly-W thing courtesy of Das Boot that nobody did right, Heels to Heaven, Gas Pump *, Merkins, Calf Raises


YHC threw at least 8 new (or very rarely used in TPR) exercises which required demonstration, all were thoroughly enjoyed (they're marked with '*' above). I challenge every Q to do at least ONE new exercise each workout!

There was one tumble in the partner carry (sorry i forget who) but fortunately no injury

Spackle made it through the workout even though he doesn't like to touch people. Good thing he was wearing gloves 🙂
