Half and Half

Event Date

Jul 25, 2020

Eleven fine men started their day right with a sweatfest split in two.  Three of them got some miles in beforehand – not knowing there were more to come.  FNG-1 is BackDraft


3  IC Side straddle hops… wait!  Stop! 



Cotton Pickers

The Thang-1

Spork pleases no one by announcing we will begin with a half-mile (or so) parking lot run and then to the pull-up bars for a surprise Murph (or at least as much as he could fit in by 7:30)

– 1/2 mile run 

– 5 rounds of of 5 / 10 / 15 Murph

– 1/2 mile run

– 5 more rounds of 5 / 10 / 15 Murph

The Thang-2

Spork hands the reins to Sonar and, after another disclaimer (which may not have been heard by some) we head to the block pile, bring your block to the top of the hill.

If you don't know him by now (you will never never never know him…), Sonar likes circuits.  Let's do one of those.

– 5 block burpees at the top of the hill

– run around the corner, down the sidewalk to the wall and do 20 wall kicks

– run up the gravel road the scratchy wall and climb over at your chosen level

– run up the grass to the tables and perform 10 dips

– run to the loading dock and do 5 dock hops – each leg

– return the the starting point and repeat as able until time expires

(reps may or may not have been added or deducted from individual PAX based upon comments and/or compliments about Sonar's physique, masculinity, eyes, derriere. etc…) 

Return blocks and return to launch pad for…


–  Ziploc led us in LBCs and Freddie Mercurys

–  Spork then stripped Zippy of his MaryQ when he feared one-armed pickle-pounders for the gathering crowd were next on the agenda

– Toto led some low flutters.


Spork will need to fill this in the comments


– Saturday sweatfests are definitely the norm these days 

– Hefty and Toto tore up the circuit

– Great to see some 'experienced' faces but lots of new guys missing this morning – where were you?

– Hefty, Fabio, and Spork got about 5 miles in before we even got started – nice work, boys!