Half dozen ring the bells and wring the towels at Man Maker Monday!

Event Date

Oct 02, 2023

Not sure of when the last time I actually Q’d was.

I was a little rusty.  Forgot the OST shovel flag.  Screwed up a cadence or two.  You’ll have that. 

At least I think I was able to bring a solid full body kettle bell beatdown.  It went something like this.

Warm O Rama

All counts in cadence unless mentioned otherwise.

SSH x10

Toy Soldier x10

Windmill x10

IST x10

Low Slow Squat x10

Arm circles forward and backward.

Oyster arrived 4 minutes late.  So he can get loose, take a lap around the track/lot.


The Thang

Squats x10

Lawn Mowers x10 Each Arm

Shoulder Press x10

10 KB Swings OYO

2 Burpees

American Hammer with bell x10

Chest Press x10


Calf Raises x10

Curls x10

Skull crushers x10

KB Swing x10 OYO

4 Burpees

WW2 sit ups with bell

Chest Press x10


Find some curb for Bulgarian split squats.

Upright Row x10

1 arm KB snatch x10 each arm

10 KB Swings

6 Burpees

Low flutter with KB hold x10

Chest Press x10


Side Lunge x10 each leg

Bent over row x10

Carolina Dry Docks x10

10 KB Swings

4 Burpees

10 Dot the I with Bell

10 Chest press



Forward lunge x10 each leg

High Curl x10, Low Curl x10 Full Curl x10

Mericans x10

10 KB Swings

2 Burpees

LBC with Bell x10

Chest Press x10



Jump Squats x10

One Hand overhead press x5 each arm

Seal claps x25, overhead claps x25

Recover Recover


Continued prayers for Toby

Book drive.  Bring new or gently used books K-* for Isotope book drive Q’d by Primo.

Christmas Party benefitting Operation Sweet Tooth

Gave background to Pax about OST and who we help and how it came about.

Thanks to Greyhound for passing the keys to MMM to YHC.

Live Life.  Own every second.  Never, Never take anything for granted.

Humbly yours,
