Half Life – All Davidson

Mini-Me wasn't there but I like to include him in my backblast so he still feels like he's part of F3 even though he isn't!

As I came speeding up Bailey Rd to make sure I was in the parking lot and out of the car before 0530 I noticed a bunch of guys standing around ready for some speed work. When I got out of the car I was quite surprised that only the Davidson guys showed! The Revolt does a 5ish mile run out of Davidson every Wed., the current MQ is Squiggy, and last month I took Half Life to Davidson and to return that favor, he brought The Revolt to Half Life today.

Much to both of our surprises, only Davidson pax were brave enough to show for a chilly speed workout. HUGE T-CLAPS gentlemen

The Thang:

1 mile warmup, 3 x 1 mile loops at race pace, 1(ish) mile cool down


  • It might be time to combine Half Life with The Optimus Project as they seemed to have quite a few runners this morning, at least according to Strava (The New Official Backblast Forum for the next decade)
  • Surprise, surprise…it was my fault no one outside of Davidson showed this AM
  • A lot of strong runners this morning. Always great to see LD out there putting in the miles. He ran the 5k last Fri. night, a mere 6 weeks after having bypass surgery
  • I'm forever thankful to Mailman for getting me out to F3. I'm equally thankful to MIndfreak who convinced me to run the BRR over 5 years ago. It was only fitting that he was one of my team members for the Tuna Ultra Team this year.
  • Don't tell me you can't run, whatever your reason…it's an excuse. Ask anyone that's run with me, I shouldn't be running but I am! I challenge all of you that currently aren't running to at least attempt a 5k next year…you never know.
  • With that in mind, I leave you with this quote from Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."