Half Life Things

Some men wake up, decide right then to attack the day, reach higher than anybody ever thought they could, and achieve greatness!  Others hit snooze several times and barely show up before everyone just quits and goes inside for Coffee.  Here is a story of those 12 men:

0440: snooze

0445: snooze

0450: kidney kick by the M

0455: double kidney kick

0500: check weather

0501: weigh pros and cons

0502: declare cons the winner

0503: the rare but effective Triple kidney kick

0517: we ran

We split into pairs, fastholes, medium Clydesdales, and full on Clydesdales including one that should have been put out to pasture long ago.  YHC was was concerned the fast holes would get lost so I ran out ahead to make sure they didn't miss any turns, .65 miles into it they decided they didn't need me and we mutually agreed to part ways.

The rest of us ran down to HFFA and completed the 5miler out and back, or close to it and then drank coffee.  Which brings me to my next point, it was cold out this morning…possibly worse since I didn't look at the weather and just assumed it was a balmy 36…but nevertheless it was cold.  One thing I've learned throughout my time in F3 is the harsher the conditions, the more fun it is.  Ruck workouts in the snow, cold water immersions, humid as hell training runs in the summer, all these things create the fun, or adult recess stories we love to share.  Don't miss out on those, your peloton instructor doesn't love you, she (or he depending on what you're in to) isn't going to sit down with you and help you work out life, share in the good and bad, push you beyond what you can or want to do.  People need that more than ever right now, take advantage of the situation and be something for someone.  Also, thx BEP, you weren't afraid to share it!


