Half Life was lively today

FNG-1: Noah Satterfield, recent Davidson graduate

FNG-2: Walt (Wally)

Yes, you're reading this right. Another #BB for a running workout. Rumors of a beetle sighting, but sigh…

Q: If a workout starts in Cornelius, mostly takes place in Davidson, then finishes in Cornelius.. is it a Davidson or Cornelius workout? 

A: I don't know, but Duvall is a fitting master Q 

Great to see so many faces this morning, strong work! All paces welcome and all paces were present. Typical routine is a 2 mi warmup to Davidson track, ~30 minutes of work (intervals, tempo, or hills / stadiums), followed by ~2 miles back. It's a great old time- unless you are chasing Kachow, which is most of us.
