Half-pipe from Hell is a bootcamp now?

Event Date

Feb 18, 2020


The Run

YHC broke out the Half-pipe from Hell for the first time in 2020. It sucked as much as I remembered. The run is a warmup to the traffic circle and down Travolta Hill to the intersection of Hugh Macaulay. From there you run up to the first mailbox on HM, and recover down, to run up to the first mailbox on Travolta Hill. Then run 2-2, 3-3, etc. Repeato until you finish the mailboxes or we hit 6:05. The key is to sprint the hills and recover on the down, this is a sneaky way to get a speed workout in disguised as a hill workout.


Garcia listened to the instructions and promptly decided to call this a bootcamp instead of a running workout. Therefore, Toxic counted cadence at the end of the workout for Garcia to complete Merkins. Now it is a bootcamp & Garcia gets his own section of a backblast as well #winningonaTuesday

Moleskine not named Garcia

Toxic & Jimmy-O teamed up and tackled the run together

Rocket took off from the start and set a blistering pace

Diehard & Royale teamed up as well and took down the hills

YHC tried to keep up with Garcia, Dallas, Fenway, & Frogger. A tall order on any day let alone climbing 2 hills 16 times at increasing distance and pace. 

Strong work today as by my count we got 16 sets of mailboxes and a solid 10K to start the day.

