Hallelujah, age 13, Goes BeastMode at the Vern

FNG-1, f/k/a Joe Cantello, forever knownas as:  Abrams

The Thang:  THE VERN

COT:  Binary, Respect, War Daddy, 51 


1.  Welcome to F3 Abrams.  Magnus eloquently explained how you used to be in the ARMY and was in the ironside division.  He explained that you would on occasion take a joyride on a variety of different tanks, which included an Abrams tank.  Pretty tough name for a 2nd post.  We'll see if you live up to the billing. Great to have you this AM.  Great work. T-claps to Magnus for putting the hard EH at church on Abrams.  Also, think M. Abrams helped as well for a tag team effort.  

2.  Great to see Olive out in the gloom again.  BInary took us out with a solid prayer.  We will continue to lift you up in prayer and support you and your family in any way we can.  

3.  Amen brought out his 13 year old, Hallelujah, this morning.   By the end of the workout, he was taunting several PAX, shirtless.  I told Amen that if a kid wakes up that early in the summer to post, he has an F3 shirt with his name on it coming.  Great work tadpole.  Keep dragging your Dad out to the workouts and showing him up.  Think that's great and a blessing to see F3 generations beginning.  

4.  Caboose was sporting the same general issued royal blue tee again this AM.  It's confirmed, he doesn't own an F3 T-shirt either 

5.  Great to see OG's MacBeth and Hat Trick in the gloom.  Still going strong after 4 years of F3. 

6.  Now that Shoe is long gone in Metro, it's cool to see the new clown car which is usually Binary, Lone Star and not sure who else was riding in the swagger wagon, but 5 or 6 PAX are usually rolling deep.  

On the way to the workout, I was listening to the radio and it was explaining some type of hedonistic value system where our flesh is conditioned to just see the bad in people.  The radio person was encouraging us to switch that value system around.  Instead of just "going with the flow" of what we see,  that we should instead, intentionally search to see the good in people.  That we should make a concerted effort to see the good values in people and not focus on the bad.  A good reminder for me and hope this encourages you in your work week.


P.S.  There is no Q to the Vern.  Hat Trick said, "5:30" and we rolled.  The rest kind of came together and I wanted to memoralize this event and honor a few people.  

P.P.S. You are stronger than you think.  And there is always someone stronger than you.