Ham and Cookie Burner

Event Date

Dec 26, 2018


5 showed for a post Christmas workout at Cobalt. Wednesday is normally metal day but we rolled with boot camp style instea. Noboby left although it was threatened.


SSH 20 IC, IST 15 IC, Merkin 15 IC

The Thang

First set was done on the hill in the boat launch parking lot. Run backwards uphill and do called exercise and sprint back downhill and do called exercise. Q called exercises at top of hill which were burpees (5) and one-legged merkins (10). Pax called exercises at bottom of hill – remember most but not all: crunchy frogs, LBC's, CDD's, merkins, etc etc. Good calls from the Pax. We did 8 full reps of this set.

Second set was done in the gazebo. Q pushed for BB court but certain Pax were worried about the lack of lighting and leaves on the course. Pax was spared a bunch of broad jump burpees. Gazebo set was done 3X through: 10 derkins, 10 step ups (each leg / 20 total) and 10 dips.

Third set was anchored around 3 AYG laps around the boat launch parking lot. Started with plank set before first lap: high plank, back pockets, right arm / leg up, left arm / leg up, merkins 10 IC, low plank, plank jacks, mountain climbers. Pax pushed through the laps and the sets in between. Did more planks and some abs for the second and third sets in between the AYG laps.

Mary got some airtime at the end. Natty called leg ups (20 single count) and Shaft called burpees to close (10 OYO).


Pax hauled in the Christmas gifts. Surf and Turf in pole position with wife expecting in the next few months. El Tigre got a high tech hat that has built-in lights. Natty sporting new Fenix watch. Shaft took down a foosball table for his basement. Q got David Goggins new book – Can't Hurt Me. Pax got new gloves courtesy of El Tigre.

Lots of other chatter but Q was admittedly tired from lack of sleep night before – Christmas water leaks in the house will do that to you. So can't remember it all.

Always a pleasure and honor fellas. Good work men.