Not much of a pre-blast for this one.  None needed as everyone enjoys good jazz!  This was NOT an Outlaw approved workout.  Many in the Pax are getting ready for the BRR and took advantage of the pick your own standard 2, 2.5 or 4 miles.  Harvey was present and sent us a cool shower during the Thang.  Q style was under some scrutiny, but that may have just been Body Builders talkin.

Here is how it all went down….

28 hard chargers arrived to make good on a solid workout in what is surely to be the gloomiest of the gloom. The Pax was strong, and the workout was setup to meet that strength.  YHC attempted a full body workout and a smoke fest incurred (YHC was smoked at the very least)

Mosey to the track for a lap from parking lot around the baseball field back for Warm-o-Rama (quick lap)


 Warm-o-Rama: (Parking Lot)

  • 30 IC x Side Straddle Hop

  • 20 IC x Wind Mills

  • 20 OYO Arm circles (loops) forward/backward

  • 20 IC x Imperial Storm Trooper

  • 20 IC x Toy Solider

  • 20 IC x ‘Mericans


BagBoy Ladder (5, 10, and 15)

·        Mericans

·        Low flutter

·        Rosalita

Mosey to Tennis Courts by way of Bridge

The Thang – Omega Pain Station – partners – size does not matter

  • Run to end of bridge – plank

  • 10 Makhtar N’Diayes

  • Run to tennis courts – pain station – partner up

  • 40 (8 Count) body builders

  • 100 pushups

  • 200 jumping squats

  • Plank

  • 10 Makhtar N’Diayes

  • Run to end of bridge – plank

  • 10 Makhtar N’Diayes

  • Run to Refreshment bar (Bathrooms)

Transition 2 – Rum runner – 5 minutes – partners split between excercises

·        Partner 1 Starts With: 1 to 5 pull ups – increment by 1 – run clockwise

·        Partner 2 Starts With: 10 to 2 dips – decrement by 2 – run counter clockwise

Crying Mary:

  • 20 IC WW1 sit ups (IC single count. “On my up!”)

  • 20 IC Low Flutter

  • 30 second plan / 30 second downward dog

  • 45 second hover craft


  • YHC was humbled by the turnout today.He was thoroughly smoked halfway through the workout. Everyone’s encouragement kept him going. Thank you.

  • Learned proper name to one of my favorite exercise Makhtar N’Diayes. I only found out how to correctly pronounce from the F# website MAC-tar JIE –rhymes with “sky”

  • VQ mistake allowing his phone to get wet and become inoperable to capture Namerama.So if I missed you let me know so you get General credit. 🙂

  • Outlaw is showing signs of being an Olympic runner.Outlaw also has a great distrust of wet bridges.

  • Thanks to Moses for assisting with the six today and COT.

  • Landline arrived early for the Standard and decided to leave his car door open so we could find our way to the flag using his car light.

  • Landline also left immediately after warm up.Not confirmed, but fear may have been a factor.Kidding… kidding.

  • BagBoy’s honor was upheld, as the Pax asked why I was so angry during the first transition.

  • Omega’s honor also upheld, as the Thang was brutal.Harvey chipped in with some wet stuff.

  • Landline thank you for the opportunity to lead these fine men!