Hanging Pax Scare Gladiator Gals

8 wild pax hunkered down in the safety of the Discovery Place Kids parking deck amid another robust Galdiator workout. 

Dynamic warmup:  SSH, windmill, merkins, moutain climbers 

The Thang:  


(1) Partner Carry Ascent. 

Partner carries all the way up the deck.  Piggy back first deck, Firemen’s Carry 2nd, Honeymoon carry last 

(2) “Scrappy Says” — game played and lived by all.  Scrappy says do something.  If Scrappy doesn’t say: “1 burpee penalty.” 

(3) Burpee/Merkin Ladder 6-1 

(4) Indian Stereo Run — pass the #BombBox down the line as we descend the deck.  

Sprint down and break Indian formation on final chorus of “I ran out of that grave…” 

(5) ClockWork — step ups and derkins 

(6) Follow the Leader — over walls, picnic tables, slolom around trees, shimmy on curbs.  #UrbanWarfare 

(7) Relay Races in the deck.  Forward, Backwards, Forward.  


(8) COT – 9 Lives 


(1) Caboose had the virtual stopwatch, except time kept slowing as he called for recovery. 

(2) Hootie and Omar are lightning fast. A footrace may have to be set up.  These men can run 4.5 forty yard dashes. 

(3) Johnny Cash made it rain.  Well he did last time.  Well done. 

(4) Turnpike — looking good bro.  

(5) 9Lives was scared to honeymoon carry his partner for some reason.  And  I think he was smiling through this whole workout.  Probably not tough enough? 

** We did scare most of the Camp Gladiator ladies ascending the deck with our firemen’s carry.  Hanging Pax coming up a deck will disarm anyone.  We got some good laughs for sure. 

(6) Jimmy O — thanks for the opportunity to lead my brother.  Mayhem went DR.  My home called me back.  Mad Sci.  Toughest AO in North Country since Bogey left the Blender. 























