Hanging tough

Event Date

Aug 14, 2023

5 PAX joined Clark for a birthday beatdown.

Stretch it out
Grandma Maters
Toy Soldiers
Dippy Birds

Thing 1
One of the girls of Crossfit came out to play, Nicole.
Nicole is a bodyweight WOD, 20 Min AMRAP of run a lap and do max pull-ups
One modification. YHC wants you on the bar for 30 seconds each trip to the bar. So that might mean 30 seconds of pull-ups, or 10 pull-ups and the remaining time dead hang, one pull-up and 28 seconds of dead hang, or just 30 seconds of hanging out on the bar. By the end of 20 minutes the bar hang was rather difficult.

Thing 2
Mosey down Clubber lane, stopping at each intersection along the way for Merkins, Deep Squats, Lunges.
At the bottom of the hill, mosey to the first light, then sprint to the next intersection (150ish yards). Mosey to the next intersection then sprint into the cul-de-sac.

Pretzel crunch
Low Flutter
Heels to Heaven

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Step 1 in your faith is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. But that’s not the beginning and end of your faith journey. We are also called to do good works, His works, through Him. God uses us to do good works so that others may see Him in and through us. And one interesting part of that is that He prepared them for us in advance to do.

Age ain’t nothing but a number
Solid efforts by all this AM
Crabby discusses his Sprint triathlon
Dr. Dolittle wants to buy the property at the end of Clubber Lane.
Missed those that couldn’t join