Hanging Tough w/ Skipper

Event Date

Nov 30, 2019


3 men enjoyed some beautiful temps in order to polish their upper body.


10 IC Cross Country Skiers

10 IC Low Country Crab Cakes

10 IC Apollo OhNOs

10 IC Cotton Pickers

10 IC Windmills

Head to the back playground

Hanging Tough:  Partner Up

Round 1:

Partner 1 (P1): Max PullUps

Partern 2 (P2): Burpees

SWAP for 4 Rotations


Round 2:

P1: Flexed-Arm Hang until Failure (Top part of the pull-up)

P2: Squats

Swap for 4 rotations


Round 3:

P1: Negative Pull Ups until Failure (Down part of the pull-up)

P2: Front Lunges

Swap for 4 rotations


Round 4:

P1: Straight-Arm Hang until Failure (Bottom part of the pull-up)

P2: Bulgarian Split Bench Squats

Swap for 4 rotations



15 IC Freddies

10 IC Slow Scissor Kick

10 IC Low Dollies

10 IC Jane Fonda L

10 IC Jane Fonda R

10 IC Boxcutters

:45 American Hammer


"Selfishness is Selfish"  How often do we give with an expectation of a return?  We do it at work: "Am I getting paid what I am worth?", at church, "Am I getting out of my church what I give?", at home, "Am I pulling more than other family members?", etc.  God teaches us to give without a need for a return.  So easy for selfish thoughts to creep-in and cause adverse reactions.  Practice it.


 – Shredder rolls in once again on his Tonka bike and kills the workout until leaving about :30 in

 – T-Claps to Cheetah for helping me get through this one after it was down to just he and I.  Accountability

 – Circle of Trust proved akward with just 2 men.  

 – WHERE IS EVERYONE?  I know I'm not the only one who ate for 5 people this week.

 – Don't be selfish, see above, we want to see your face 🙂