Happy 2nd Birthday ELHS Mustang

12 and then 13 and then 12 converged onto ELHS Mustang to celebrate the 2 year anniversary.  Like all anniversaries, there was humping involved, lots of inappropriate humping…

Clark, C#, and Closer had a joint Q to lead the PAX.

?Warm-up courtesy of Clark
15 IC Windmill
15 IC ‘Mericans

Thing 1 by Clark…

Mosey to the track

100 yards of pain? Each move is 25 yards
Dragon Walk, Lunge Walk, Burpee-Broadjump, Bear Crawl

Mosey to the hill by the baseball field

Partner up, Size may matter, but so may speed so choose carefully
Round 1 – Partner wheelbarrow up the hill.  If the wheelbarrow taps out BOTH finish the distance with crawl bear.  SWAP.  Odd man (IR) does Bear Crawl.

Round 2 – Partner Carry.  Fireman’s carry up the hill. SWAP.  Odd man did some weird 3 way thing.

Round 3 – Quadraphilia/Burpee fest.  Partners swap back and forth doing quadraphilia up the hill and Burpees until partners total 50 burpees. Odd man was on a team of 3.  We didn't quite make it to 50 before the first Q hit his 20 minute time cap…

Mosey back to the track and turn it over to C# on the way

Thing 2 by C#…

Mosey down to blocks/rocks…

Partner up for 10 OYO heavy merkins with block/rock on back (Switch & Repeat)

Line up blocks about 4 ft apart.  Tap each rock with feet, low squat to touch rock/block, hop over, and repeat down line, bear crawl back. REPEATO (several gave all out efforts on this but lack some serious coordination (Clark included)

Each PAX stands behind a rock, last in line calls cadence.
First round 5 IC curls, move down a rock, 5 IC curls, all way down the line.
REPEATO but with skull crushers.

Return rocks, circle up, for quad killers.  Everyone in low squat, 2 jump squats, stay low, then 4 jump squats, stay low, all the way up to 20.

Thing 3 by Closer…

Partner sit ups with blocks 20 on your own (10 apiece)
Bridge ups on your toes with rock and hold 20 IC (First inappropriate humping)
Mason twists 30 seconds with blocks
REPEATO (Second inappropriate humping)

Put away the blocks

Mosey to the wall
Up and over the wall
20 LBCs
Loop around and Up and over the wall AGAIN
20 reverse crunches IC

Plank until PAX is done

Mosey to the down under bars. 
Partner up
Partner A 20 Hanging sit ups
Partner B mini crunches until partner is done (feet in the air and touch your toes repeatedly)
Hanging sit-ups proved too difficult for the PAX, several complained the bars wouldn't hold us, at least one was scared of tetanus, and therefore all PAX did Partner B exercises.

Mosey to the start for…
10 Dr. W's
10 low dolly
10 V-ups
10 monkey humpers (3rd inappropriate humping)

Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Take a minute to reflect on what F3 means to you. Open mic 


  • ?Missed a few out of towners this week
  • Continued prayers for PAX family
  • Several PAX scared of dragon walks…this means more future dragon walks
  • Sound off with some MC that I missed