Happy Anniversary Samson Suicides!!!

Samson Suicides was born in the COVID era when F3 was taking place on the down-low.  The workout itself is a great challenge and one I like since it gets the heart rate up and also provides core and strength training mixed in.  All total, in most cases, we get in about 2.5 miles, 50-60 Block Burpees, and 150-165 reps of various exercises.  We had a great turnout today.  Some converged, some were regulars, some just showed up and accepted the challenge, and 9 pax popped their SS cherry today!!!  Here is how it went down…….

Mosey thru the parking lot doing side shuffle, karioke, high knees.  Circle up at the top lot.



Grab a block!!

Phase 1 (onesies): Exercise=Merkins; One Block Burpee at the turn

Phase 2 (twosies): Exercise=Lunges; Two Block Burpees at the turn

Phase 3 (threesies): Exercise=CDD; Three Block Burpees at the turn

Phase 4 (foursies): Exercise=Squats; Four Block Burpees at the turn

Phase 5 (onesies due to time restriction): Exercise: PlankJack; One Block Burpee at the turn

Return the blocks, mosey to launch point, recover, recover!


TClaps to some of my originals/regulars at Samson (Snake Eyes, Bob Ross and 66) Many of these guys attended all year!!!!

Popcorn and Uncle Rico were dismayed at my decision for Phase 5 to be onesies and almost did fivesies before we got done!!  You guys crushed it!!

TBone, Calypso, and Black Eyed Pea remind me of the class clowns in my 8th grade PE class….thanks for keeping it light men!!!

Rumor had it that Baller planned to do The Michigan when we were done…..let us know how that goes Baller!!!

My money is on Cherry Bomb, Lego, and Hoodie to add a Phase 6 to this workout soon!!!  Keep crushing it boys!

I believe that Kosar, EstWing, Shrooms, Class Charlie, and Ducky all popped their cherry today in fine fashion…..I am sure you wont forget it boys!!!!

Did anyone notice Enron quietly raising his fitness level these days…..he was one of the standard runners this morning and his improvement on SS is duly noted…..great work my friend!!

The Force snuck in late to the party in bad ass fashion…..it is confirmed that we went over time due to his tardiness…..it is also confirmed that he is a bad ass!!!

Until next time!
