Happy Birthday Auto

17 pax tested themselves at #TheFoundry. This is their story:


Poptart, Smokey, Turncoat, Frogger, and Gray Ghost met #TheStandard for 3 miles


Mosey to the firepit for cover from the lightning


SSH x 38 IC

IST x 15 IC

Carrot Puller x 15 IC


Partner up for Army PT Test

2 min AMRAP pushups

2 min AMRAP situps

1 mile run = 4 laps around parking lot

Mosey to the forest

2 times through the Monkey Bars

Grab a block

Curls x 15 IC

Shoulder press x 15 IC

Skull crusher x 15 IC

Mosey to the pull up bars

Pull ups x 10 OYO

Mericans x 10 IC

Squats x 10 IC


Mosey to the wall


Balls to the Wall

Situps x 25 OYO

Recover Recover



  • Happy Birthday to Auto…here is your gift…a #BB so you can say you have done at least one Q with a #BB
  • Carpetbagger assured us the storm would pass within 30 minutes…he wasn't wrong
  • Schneider already represents the MQ at #TheFoundry so you will have to find your ambulance chasing lawyer elsewhere…allegedly
  • Good to see Snoopy back in the gloom crushing a 6:46 mile after having knee issues
  • Snoop was only bested by Turncoat laying down his mile in 6:22…smokin'
  • Lots of pax called out for FS due to rain #S2K
  • Goatbusters out in force itchin' to get started on BRR training
  • Prayers up for the ruckers and Qadre tonight at #QRV
  • Thanks to Auto for Qing #TheFoundry and for taking us out at COT. The pax is better because you are in it contuing to push us to test ourselves whether it is at #TheFoundry, BRR, or #TheMurph. Enjoy this weekend with the family…happy brthday brother…AYE!

Don Ho