PAX not listed: No Fry
It what felt like a scene out of Field of Dreams, the PAX just kept rolling in by foot and car this morning! I had bricks for 17, but we quickly surpassed that. Fortunately, there were plenty of busted cinder blocks to compensate, as we ended up with 20 turkeys who came to get their breasts (and shoulders) smoked, with a side of bricks!
- Mosey to the cinder blocks while the empty-handed PAX collected some coupons. 10 Mericans IC for the rest of the PAX.
- Brick Straddle Hop x15 IC
- Seal Straddle Brick x15 IC
- Wounded Turkey x15 IC
- Brickmill x15 IC
- Brick Layer x15 IC
- Brickees x10 OYO
The Thang:
- "Hi Guys" Lunge Walk to 2nd B-Ball hoop.
- In honor of the first Thanksgiving, Indian Run around the track while doing alternating curls
- Mosey to the field
- Brick Crawl
- Crab Brick (i turned around at one point and saw that only a couple of PAX actually did this!!!)
- Wheelbrick
- Brick Webb 1-4 to 5-20 to 1-4
- Dragon Brick
- Mosey to the gates
- 1/2 the PAX did Australian Pullups x10 IC, while the other 1/2 did Newton's Craddle w/bricks x10 IC.
- Mosey back to the cinder blocks to return the scraps, then back to the parking lot.
- Dot the "i" x15 IC
- American Hammer x15 IC
- Elbow Plank 20 secs
- It was great to see such a large turnout, especially given that I did not disguise that there would be bricks involved!
- Prayers for Roadie's neighbor Christine.
- We took a vote, and there was enough interest for an OTB Wilderness tomorrow, with a revised start of 5:30 at Wynfield Forest clubhouse.
- Provided he shows, we will be renaming The Force's 18 yo 2.0, who is still carrying his F3 Dad's name. Props to him for running to the workout this morning (along with The Force and Ultraman), after he had been at my house late into the night!
- Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today, i know you were all thankful for bricks!!!