Happy July from Berean

13 PAX kicked the door open on July this morning at Berean.  I had no idea how many would show given the holiday week but we had a great showing today. 

FNG1 = David – Brother of Code Blue – now forever known as Nomad

FNG2 = Dave Clary – EH'd by yours truly!  I finally wore him down!

Bible Study was discussion on the Holy Spirit John 14:16-21

The crew met up and introductions were made to the FNGs.  Carpet Bagger gave FNG an amazing 2 minute dissertation on the philosophy and benefits of F3.  Dredd would have been proud!

0445 hits and we take off running down to the movie theatre parking lot for warm up:

  • SSH
  • IST
  • Wind Mill
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Arm Circles

The mumble chatter was strong and chaotic!  Mainly Jazzy and Etch – go figure!

The Thang:

Run to the end of the road by the greenway entrance – Partner Up!

  • Partner 1 – Plank on the guard rail
  • Partner 2 – Hold the feet of Partner 1
  • P1 does 10 merkins in cadence while P2 holds his feet
  • P2 does 10 squats in cadence after P1 finishes merkins
  • Flip Flop and repeato
  • Circle Up and do old school sit-ups – 10 IC

Run to intersection at B&N

Side shuffle the parralle parking spots with a Burpee at the end of each parking strip

Run to the blocks by the dumpster – everyone gets a block – Circle Up

  • Curls – 10 IC
  • Shoulder Press – 10IC
  • Bent over row – 10IC

Partner Up – P1 farmer carries both blocks around the traffic island while P2 does flutter kicks, Flip Flop

Circle Up

  • Skull Crusher – 10IC
  • Lawn Mower Right – 10 IC
  • Lawn Mower Left – 10IC

Partner Up – P1 farmer carries both blocks around the traffic island whild P2 does 1/4 turn jump squats, Flip Flop

Put the blocks back – Mosey to the intersection at B&N

Quadrephila from B&N to the fountain near Starbucks

Circle Up at the far end of the fountain/traffic circle.  Treat the traffic circle at a clock face – you are at 12 o'clock

  • 12 o'clock – 1 burpee, 5 CDD, 5 Iversons / leg, 5 LBC , bear crawl to 3 o'clock
  • 3 o'clock – repeato, bear crawl to 6 o'clock
  • 6 o'clock – repeato, bear crawl to 9 o'clock
  • 9 o'clock – repeato, bear crawl to 12 o'clock

Slow mosey to tent by Starbucks and circle up


Air-borne Mind Bender (just for you Etch)

Homer to Marge

Dying Cockroach

Plank/Down Dog/Pidgeon

J-LOs (brought to you by Amen)

Recover Recover!!


  • 2 FNGs – WOW
  • FNG David (brother of Code Blue) – second post while visting family!  Code Blue named him Nomad due to all the places he has lived.  Welcome Nomad!
  • FNG Dave Clar – it only took about 3 years but he finally showed!  Way to hand in there brother!  Come back soon and get your nickname! 
  • It was great to see guys back at Berean – Jazz Hands, Etch, Amen, Bouncey – glad you could show today
  • Carpet Bagger – when I asked you to hold the feet while your partner planked on the guardrail, I really wanted you to hold their feet.  Not exactly sure how you managed to drop the FNG on his face!  Nice job!!
  • Jazzy's running commentary during Plank/Pidgeon was priceless!  I really don't know what he was talking about but he was clearly enjoying it!
  • Big Montana – thank you for the opportunity to lead the workout and Bible study!  I will grab another Q soon!

Jimmy O