Happy National Paperclip Day from the Mighty Jungle

Event Date

May 29, 2021

10 and a puppy celebrated national paperclip day by running a paper clip route with excersises.

Warm up – if you have been to a one of my workouts you know what I did. My warm up is typically the same with slight variation. One thing is certain Moroccan Nighclubs will be done.

The Paper Clip Course – Run inbetween Stations

Station 1 – Block work – Squat, Bent Over Rows, Lawn Mowers right and left, upright row, curls, shoulder press, skull crushers, chest press and Masonry Twists.

Station 2 – Muhammad Alis, and punch combo in cadence (Jan, Cross, Hook and Updercut)

Station 3 – Dips and incline 'Mericans

Station 4 – Peoples Chair, Air Press, Touch Them Heals and Chick Flap

Station 5 – 10 Pull Ups, 20 'Mericans and 30 Squats to get ready for the Murph

Station 6 – Calf Raises, Front Lunge and Back Lunge

That completes the Paper Clip Course as Firestone confirmed on his phone ("yes I guess that sort of looks like a paper clip") Toxic ever the perfect PAX stated "I assumed it was if you said so"

Back to the blocks for repeato. A Gnarly Goat family flyby inspired a mobility moment followed by more block work.

Blocks back and head to Mary

PAX Lead Mary

Stapler – Low Flutter

Toxic – His plank thing back and forward – Yuk

Firestone – Very cool crunch with alternating legs

Ultraman – Dying Cockroach

Then came the best part of the workout – Popcorns 2.0s

Action – After many suggestions from the PAX, Action looked at us like "settle down old men" and said "we will do Peter Parkers" and belted out the perfect Peter Parkers in Cadence. My Man, you are better at Q than most of the F3 Nation. Well Done!

Tess – Not to be one upped by her brother Said "10 Burpee Jump Tucks on your own" – Most PAX looked Confused, myself included, so she had to expalian. "It's a burpee with a jump on the end you old men"

We ended with namerama and prayer.

Great crew today, It was nice to see Macbeth and BoarHog as well as BoarDog (Hurley). I learned that Kachow got his Covid shot from a guy in a van down my the river, seems ligit, Hahaha. He also ran to and from the workout, nice job!