Happy National Sleep Day

Event Date

Jan 03, 2018

Happy national sleep day!

But for the PAX that participated below…they refused to celebrate "Festival of Sleep day" and got out of the fartsack.

Starts without the Q, Bunch of SSHs and MCs…
10 IC Scorpion 'Mericans, each leg
10 IC 1 leg bridge (each leg)

Parking Lot Mosey, head to the rock pile

The thing
Not only is today national sleep day, it's also national humiliation day. In YHC's attempt to humiliate you we will be doing exercises to failure.

Grab a rock and get in a circle

Rounds to be repeated as such: Q will start an exercise, PAX completes # of reps. Then PAX rotates one rock to the left. The PAX standing in the Q's original location calls repeato until pax wimps out.


Curl x5 IC Pax – completed so many rounds that we upped it to 10 IC and Q finally called it due to time. Must have needed larger rocks. At least 10 rounds
Squat x10 IC – completed 5 rounds
Skull Crusher x10 – completed 3 rounds
Return the rocks

Mosey to pull-up bar. Rotate through 10 dead hang pull-ups.  None of this cheating half pull-up crap I saw some doing on Murph day.  2nd in line assist to get full pull-ups if needed.

Round 1 everyone made it okay

Round 2 everyone struggled, but completed

Round 3 everyone had to get some assistance

We would have done round 4, but since only 3 PAX were present there was essentially ZERO rest time between rounds…

Track work, mosey to the track

100 m Sprint, rest 10 sec
200 m sprint, rest 20 sec
300 m sprint, rest 30 sec
400 m sprint and mosey back for Mary

6MOM Round Robin
Clark 20 IC LBC
Bertha 20 IC FM
Abrams 20 IC (10 each leg) Fire Hydrants

A Verse about failure

Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever"


  • All this talk about getting out in the cold gloom and we have 3 today.  Enjoy your blue pill today fartsackers.  Today was your warmer option.
  • Think Bertha and Abrams will be buying mittens soon.  Holding large pieces of 18°F granite and steel really makes the hands cold with gloves.  Even YHC's thumbs were cold with hand warmers.  Reminds me of this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOdxz77-lag
  • I think We needed more time between sprint intervals. Abrams left a lung at turn 2.