Happy Trails

Event Date

Apr 27, 2024

After some shady signup shenanigans and a Margaritas outing the night before with some of the PAX, a Saturday workout was had.


Let’s Go


SSH (IC) x 31

Windmills (IC) x 10

Dippy Birds (IC) x 10

CopperHead Squats (IC) x 10

Arm Circles

Capri Lap


Deck of cards…one PAX pulls three cards and rep count matches card totals (Face cards are 10/ Ace is 11, not 1 Mater).  Last card picked represents the exercise performed.  Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, and something else.  Run 31 secs, then repeato until we get a full lap in.

6 disc golf frisbees and a soccer ball…each PAX gets a disc and C# gets the soccer ball.  Number of tosses/kicks to the “hole” represents your multiplier.  PAX pulls a card at the hole and same as above applies.  EXP: 6 of hearts and 4 throws = 24 squats for you.  Throw to the big tire from launchpad, then back across practice field to the smaller tire, then hole number three was the block pile.

Round robin with Blocks…around the horn with PAX choice.  Performed but not limited to curls, skullcrushers, quadfectas, rows, blockees, presses, etc.

Blocks up and mosey back to the launchpad.


LBC’s (IC) x 10

E2K (IC) x 10 each side

Recover Recover


“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruins, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

–Proverbs 18:24


-This workout was brought to you by the number 31 😉

-Clarks signs YHC up to Q after he leaves breakfast Friday and about gets his ear taken off by a errant disc throw.  I’ll let you judge if related or not.

-Sonar is on a roll with workouts this week and Murph Monday doesn’t look like it will slow him down.

-Spork still doesn’t like wet grass and can now add Chic-Fil-A coffee to that list.

-C# takes the road less traveled for hole 3 and still posts the low score (for it and the whole course I believe)

-Mater punishes his baseball team’s recent performance with a friday night practice

-Diesel explains how the PAX is getting soft

Always a pleasure to lead and be led by you fine men.


