7 men were already sweating by the time the clock hit 0530. When will SVU get their AC fixed?
Warmup –
- SSH X 25IC
- Apollo Ohno X 10IC
- Toy Soldiers X 10IC
- Mtn Climbers X 15IC
- Cotton Pickers X 10IC
Indian run to the clubhouse with 3 merkins at the back. Run behind the clubhouse to the wooden retaining wall.
Wall Hangs – 3 X 30 secs each
Mosey over to rock pile and split in 2 groups. First group grab two hand sized rocks.
- 1s – Lung walk w/ bicep curl to top of hill behind tennis court
- 2s – Run a lap around clubhouse
- FlipFlopRepeato
- 1s – Lung walk w/ Shoulder press to top of hill
- 2s – Run a lap
- FlipFlopRepeato
- 1s – Lung walk w/ Chest Fly to top of hill
- 2s – Run a lap
- FlipFlopRepeato
- 1s – Lung walk w/ front shoulder raise to top of hill
- 2s – Run a lap
- FlipFlopRepeato
Rocks back to their home. Indian Run back to the AO.
- Dr. W's – Led by Metro x 8 IC
- Metro's last workout with SVU – we'll miss you – hope Harrisburg enjoys the boxing, murphs, bear crawls, pull ups, as much as we do. *sweating*
Pleasure to lead,