Happy Wives, Happy Lives

Event Date

Feb 15, 2023

Seven of MIL’s finest came out for a special guest Q at Muscle Beach, but thankfully the DJ was the same.  It was a sloid workout with an ample amount of hysterics thrown in


SSH, Windmill, cherry pickers, something else

The Thang

Do a plethora of exercises with dumbbells. Q’s chalk game is admittedly not strong nor legible, and he was running a bit behind, so in lieu of listing the individual exercises, we just listed the body parts and called them out as necessary. We did 20 reps for first three sets and 10 for the last one  


Round 1 – Mercan row

Round 2 – Chest flies with bridge March

Round 3 – Bench with flutter kicks

Round 4 – Mercan row


Round 1 – Reverse flies

Round 2 – Front raise

Round 3 – Upright row

Round 4 – Reverse flies


Round 1 – Bent over row – overhand and underhand

Round 2 – Bent over row – wide

Rounds 3 – Lawnmower

Round 4 – Bent over row – overhand and underhand


Round 1 – 7’s

Round 2 – Hammers

Round 3 – 7’s

Round 4 – Curls


Round 1 – Skull crushers

Round 2 – Tri kicks

Round 3 – Curb dips

Round 4 – Skull crushers


Round 1 – Side lunge with snap Row

Round 2 – Calf raises x 3

Round 3 – Squat with overhead press

Round 4 – Side lunge with snap Row


Round 1 – OH pull crunch

Round 2 – Ankle taps

Round 3 – 1/2 Turkish get up

Round 4 – OH pull crunch


  • We had a variety of hilarity shared today amounts the crew
  • With St. Valentine’s Day happening the day prior, the fellas regaled the Pax with a variety of tales of spousal romance.
  • One high water mark was a card that was purchased for a spouse that was labeled “Happy Wives, Happy Lives”. Upon further inspection, the card included pictures of two of the standard female sex symbols and the target market was more about wives/spouses who play on the same team.
  • Let’s just hope this stays off social media.
  • Overheard during the workout: “I like getting a Mahogany card every few years to try and mix things up”
  • With his freckle face cleared up, Dr. Love got a big ego boost from a patient complimenting his looks. It could have also been the PTSD
  • Overheard during the workout: “I’m sorry m’am. I have reviewed your chart and it shows that you have way too much baggage for me”
  • Lest we forget, the chorus to “Calling Dr. Love” by Kiss says “the first step of the cure is a kiss”.
  • The MICS Sadie Hawkins dance was last Saturday. According to a gaggle of sophomore boys when asked about the chicks that were in attendance, there were only females from the island of Lesbos dancing. Further, according to the local rules in place, if a guy dances with a girl from the island of Lesbos, he is now a Lesbos
  • We learned something today. Aesthetic medicine is a developing clinical specialty distinct from plastic surgery, providing minimally invasive medical treatments to enhance patients’ satisfaction with their physical appearance. The procedures are elective and performed on adult patients who are healthy.
  • This topic brought up discussion of various augmentations, and was eventually led to the lowest level by Pax who shall remain unnamed. Penile implants or pump? Debate/discuss. Or does the bacon weave sheath wrapping really work for the intended gerth?
  • That was some chalk efficiency demonstrated today
  • Great work fellas!