Hard Rock Bricks

Event Date

Jun 23, 2021

Six hombres came to Muscle Beach to move some bricks and listen to some Hard Rock.  It did not disappoint.


Windmill, Cherry Pickers, SSH and Arm circles (little to big)

The Thang

Come get yo’ bricks. Two in a pair. Do a bunch of different exercises with the aid of bricks. Most of these were accompanied by the “hold” feature about halfway thru the reps before finishing the reps

  • 10 part man maker mercans

  • WWII with chest fly on the down

  • Decline mercans

  • Incline mercans

  • Squats with OH press

  • Front raise

  • Side raise

  • Front row (trapezious)

  • Reverse shoulder flies

  • Chicken wing row

  • Bent over row

  • Gun show curls

  • Hammer curls with OH Press

  • Wrist curls in

  • Wrist curls out

  • Walking lunges

  • Squats

  • Diamond brick mercans

  • Skull crusher

  • Tri extensions

  • Dips

  • Billy Blanks set (rapido)

    • OH press

    • Jabs

    • Hooks

    • Uppercuts

    • Pummels

    • Side knee crosses (L and R)

  • OH Pull crunch

  • Ankle taps

  • Crunchy frog

  • Mason twist

  • Leg lifts with bricks with each Pax counting down from 10 at their preferred pace


  • Two days in a row for our traveling dignitary HamBone. He apparently ran here this morning from Nashville.Fun Fact: He left the Ranger shorts at home

  • We offered both bricks and pavers today. Helpful suggestion made that in addition to the flag bricks, G Nip could get ones with a rainbow pattern

  • Some gas was passed during the workout with the pitch being akin to slowly letting the air out air of a balloon. Gotsta stretch out that sphincter bruh

  • There was talk that the 10 count man maker mercans are more like twelve plus

  • The only notable downside of bricks was that there sure was a lotta counting today.

  • Communication key to any relationship, but is really important in a good ruck partnership. Need to make sure all parties are fully in alignment before you embark on a 30 mile ruck together. You didn’t hear it from me.

  • Pro move – having an equestrian designer come from England to build out your horse farm and then proceed to steal his wife

  • There’s a Tropical Oberon being offered this summer by Bell’s. Not that there is anything wrong with that

  • Overheard during the workout – “Should I be feeling something here?”

  • Cafe Prius serves coffee and occasional snacks after workouts in Nashville. Something to consider in the MIL?

  • Solid work gents!!!!