Harlequin Natty

Event Date

Sep 27, 2016

Five of the MIL's finest (and two frogs) made it out on a soggy and still humid morning to receive their promised gift and help finish the tale for the Harlequin Natty romance novel.


  • Backwards run, Karaoke x 2, SSH, TS, Windmill, Cherry/cotton pickers

The Thang

The highly anticipated gift to the Pax came in the form of cinder block pain stations. Plot involves doing 10 cinder block exercises at each station (unless otherwise noted) then rotating (i.e., turning the page…) onto the next station

Round 1

  • Alternating mercans with one arm on cinder

  • Hockey stick bent over rows with stick placement between two cinders

  • Squats and overhead shoulder press

  • Jump rope x 50

  • Jerk and press (alternate sides)

  • Gun show curls

  • Skull crushers

  • Pax takes a lap around parking lot together

Round 2

  • Alternating mercans with one arm on cinder

  • Incline mercans – w/ hockey stick between two cinders

  • Dead lift

  • Burpees x 10

  • Upright shoulder row

  • Reverse lunge

  • Kettle swings

  • Pax takes a lap around parking lot together

Round 3 – Repeato of round 1

Round 4 – Repeato of round 2


Grab a cinder block and head toward a dry spot in the parking lot

  • WWII sit-ups with feet nestled in cinder holes

  • Mason cinder twists

  • Ab cinder ups, potentially also known as a dying cock-a-roach


  • Genesis for the workout was a prior statement from Grip likening Q's backblasts to reading Harlequin Romance Novels due to the way these musings captivated (titillated?) the reader and kept them hanging on every word, with some even re-reading these epic ruminations.

  • Be careful googling Harlequin. Apparently there is a new arm of Harlequin that has moved beyond romance novels and basically caters to a Penthouse Forum type of readership. Use discretion, and don't forget to clear your browser history. And that's one to grow on….

  • During Round 1, only two of the Pax could execute on the jump rope station. To focus on the positive and lift up others, this was Q and Arizona. Double Double kept at it during round 3 and manage to execute on it, and he liked it so much that he did again during round 4 instead of burpees

  • An erotic thriller has always been the Q’s go to genre for movies and books

  • Whoever thought that doing incline mercans after alternating cinder mercans was a good idea needs to hand over the chalk

  • Q is not very good with the meme creator, but would have liked to photoshop a picture of Natty Lite onto a horse with flowing Fabio hair to be distributed around. Most would agree that I paint a pretty picture of that scene though.

  • Original plan for round 2 was to do mountain climbers. Slick surface and not wanting to do harm to frogs caused an audible into reverse lunges instead

  • Q used to think that his creative outlet was best expressed at the make your own burrito buffet. Perhaps backblasts may be the proper forum for my creative muse to shine thru.

  • If you are feeling like you may faint, lay down and assume the Trendelenburg position, named after the German surgeon Friedrich Trendelenburg. In the Trendelenburg position, the body is laid flat on the back (supine position) with the feet higher than the head by 15-30 degrees, in contrast to the reverse Trendelenburg position, where the body is tilted in the opposite direction. Trendelenburg is a standard position used in abdominal and gynecological surgery. It allows better access to the pelvic organs as gravity pulls the intestines away from the pelvis. The use of one cinder block for your feet may not get you to the requisite 15-30 degrees, it just may take two. In the past, Trendelenburg position was used for patients in hypovolemic shock, with the thought that it would help maintain blood flow to the brain. This is no longer recommended because research shows it to be counterproductive.

  • Q may have been showing off a little bit with jump rope crosses.

  • Surprisingly, most of the love letters from Q's youth happened to include a request to bring gloves, and just as often contained the word bee-atch. It's complicated

  • Hypothesis was raised that some Pax only show up for the workout to be potentially mentioned in the backblast

  • Q pushed pretty hard today to get all four rounds in. By my unofficial count, that is a total of 28 separate exercises. Just wanted to finish the epic novel in time. I may have some issues.

  • Great work men!