Has the streak officially ended?

YHC sensed a disturbance in the force this morning as I toured around the AO alone starting at 5 AM for the standard. @Cupcake was there lifting heavy things as well and likely sensed something out of place. My fears were confirmed when 5:30 rolled around and still no sighting of @ChickenLittle. Two PAX rolled in a couple minutes late to keep our 5 penalty burpees streak intact, but alas neither of the late PAX were the aforementioned CL. The streak, for now, appears to have officially ended.


The usual suspects, SSH, IST, CP, Windmill, etc… a bunch of them each in cadence.

The thang:

Mosey across the road to the business park to find out that it wasn't set up the way I had thought. The modified 4-square game got modified even more to become one large 4-square. Corners of the 4-square laddered up/down in count while sides (burpees) were a constant. While size usually doesn't matter (and the first 6 inches in the morning being the hardest of course), in this case the 4-square size wound up being roughly a tennis court. 

  • Starting corner was 20 squats, lunge walk towards second corner stopping halfway to knock out 1 burpee,
  • 2nd corner was 2 carolina dry docks, then frog jump to 3rd corner stopping halfway for 2 burpees.
  • 3rd corner was 20 mericans, then bear crawl to 4th corner stopping along the way for 3 burpees.
  • 4th corner was 2 seal claps, then crab walk to starting corner stopping halfway along for 4 burpees

Time expired on us before we finished due to the immense size of our 4-square court, so an audible was called and we returned to the AO for some mary.


  • Low dolly (20), WWII (12?), E2K(8 each side), Freddie Mercury (15), LBC (Lear led 70), and Mountain Climbers (30)


  • WD – Lear, WB – Porker
  • Upcoming Habitat build in Statesville, HC to @Santiago via slack if going
  • LKN Basin River Run – 1 F3RCUSA team registered and may need a stand-in if @RubberDuck requires surgery, HC to @Cheezwiz
  • Prayers for @ticktock's 2.0, @strokerace's M, @motorboat's job search
