Dante described seven levels of Hell, which is one level for each hard-charger who sallied out in perfecto gloom at the finest AO in all LKN to hear Hat Trick pontificate on Heaven, Hell, and the places in-between.
We convened at the normal hour and location. We heaved out to the CoP area for a brief warm-up. Having adequately got our juices flowing, we set a course to the rock pile to retrieve a sturdy rock, then on to the base of Horseshoe Hill with said rock.
The general idea was rock-ercises as bottom of Horseshoe Hill (Hell), and mobility/body-weight exercises at the top of the hill (Heaven). We made this circuit seven times.
With a little time left on the clock, we moseyed to the PAINinsula Colonnade for some short-wall exercises, then hoofed it back to the launch pad for a date with Mary.
The surprise of the morning was deep theology from Hat Trick, who opined that "it's easier to get to Hell than to Heaven" and surmised that Purgatory – stuck between Heaven and Hell – is not that great.
As always Hollywood seemed to be in a hurry to get to Heaven. The rest of us took our time.
BZ to Outlaw and Strongboli who clocked in a fast 2-mile standard.