He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Brother

14 Hardcore PAX and 1 Rusty Fartsackin' Q showed up ready to sharpen some iron this AM. 

Run the loop around Discovery Place, bang out some bear crawls to keep the PAX honest. I'm guessing they did them, all I heard was mumble chatter from up front.

Side Straddle Hops x15
IST x15
Windmills x15
Merkins x15

Mosey'd to the bottom of the parking deck. Ran to each level for merkins and down the stairs for squats.
Grabbed some rocks lined up along the wall. The last two PAX on the end peeled off and did alternating partner carries up to the next level and back down the stairs while the rest did rock work and what not. (BTW Baller is a solid #240)
Skull Crushers
Chest Press
Rock Squats
Bent Over Row
Carolina Dry Docks
People's Chair

LBC x15
Flutter Kix x15

It was a significant day all across F3 Nation as we shined a spotlight on the scourge of depression, suicide and mental health issues afflicting our brotherhood. We had a good conversation in the time we had and this is going to be an uphill battle, but one we are all capable of helping to combat. Bottomline, we have to be there for one another, even the smallest gestures can make an impact. On the flipside if you're suffering and need help, reach out. 5 years in the gloom and I haven't met one brother who would turn their back to true need, that's not in our DNA. I encourage you to listen to the #f3roundtable podcast if you haven't already https://soundcloud.com/f3nation/f3mentalbattle-3-27-19 and if you have anything to share, words of wisdom, resources etc. tweet it with #F3MentalBattle or keep the conversation going in the comments below.

Thanks Jimmy O for reaching out to me to Q. It was a pleasure to lead these men today.