He went from J-Lo to Freddie Mercury!??

1 FNG who went to Viking to start, and when no one showed up, tracked down a real workout!

18 of Huntersville finest mixed it up at Gladiator this morning.  Here's the rest of the story…



Mosey to parking lot at the back exit.

  • Windmill
  • IST
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Toy Soldiers


The Thang:

Mosey to Copperhead Hill

  • Walk Crab up the hill (this was on my mental winky, to be deployed ONLY in the event that Soprano actually showed up…which he did)
  • Quadraphelia up the hill – 10 1/2 burpees without the jump up
  • Mosey down the hill – 10 Dot the "i"s
  • 3-peato

Mosey back to the school

  • Pulsating Balls to the Wall
  • Praying Mantis
  • Side Wall Presses
  • Mohammed Ali's
  • Repeato w/o the Mohammed Ali's

Mosey to the pull-up bars

  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 Toe Jams
  • Repeato

Mosey back to the cars



  • Walk the Elbow Planks
  • Full Extension Hip Dips
  • Here's where it got really interesting…I asked Amen to take us out, and he threw a curve by calling Freddie Mercury's.  He said he was done with elbow work after the Walk the Elbow Planks.  The Force questioned his choice of going from J-Lo's to Freddie Mercury's (read into that what you want!)



  • Great crowd for Gladiator this morning, including surprise visits from Smores, KingFish, and Perrier!
  • Soprano skipped The Vern to come for a real workout…i'm flattered!  Perrier said that he was at one of Soprano's job sites yesterday, but no surprise, Soprano was nowhere to be found!!!
  • Props to Flytrap for continuing to post, despite getting ridiculed by a 6 year old at his first post!  
  • Also, props to FNG (Eric?), he didn't give up when no one showed at Viking.  He propably got more of a workout in 20 minutes of Gladiator then he would have gotten in a full 45 mins of Viking!
  • As usual, Uncle Rico made the rest of us look like amatures (which, Disclaimer, we are!!!)
  • Q slots are open at Gladiator in October.  Grab 'em while they're hot…they won't last long!
  • Thanks CB for handing me the reigns today.