He will make your paths straight

15 emerged from the darkness on another gorgeous Monday morning for a J.D.S. kind of workout.

FNG-1 is Ruby, FNG-2 is ThreeRivers



20 IC Side-Straddle Hops

20 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC 'Merkins

10 IC Imperial Storm Troopers


Q informs the PAX that there is no pre-determined workout – partially by design and partially due to circumstances but let's just go with it and JDS (just do something)

Head to the track and over to the concrete bleachers

Split into two groups 

1st group: run lap around the track

2nd group: bleacher hops up, 10 calf raises, back down for 10 dips

Swap and repeat


1st group: run lap

2nd group: burpees up, burpees down

Swap and repeat


1st group: sprint 100, walk back, sprint 100, walk back

2nd group: bleacher hops up, 10 calf raises, back down for down for 10 derkins

Swap and repeat


1st group: karaoke left to the 50, karaoke right back to start, karaoke left to the 50, karaoke right back to start

2nd group: bleacher hops and some other stuff??  (Q's memory is foggy at this point and, perhaps the previous round..)

Swap and repeat 


Take the long way around the track and back to the launch pad


6 2 MOM

30 IC LBCs



Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Following church yesterday, Q spent a lot of time thinking about the areas of his life that he has been reluctant to release control and give it to God.  It is easy to claim to be a man of faith, but that faith is not always practiced the way it should be.  There are many ways in which I try to insert my will or my plan on things.  May we all look for the areas in life where we need to have more faith in God's love for us and less emphasis on the way we think things should be done.


  • Q came without a workout just to emphasize that we don't always need our own plan.  Things will often work out just fine if we just let go and stop trying to plan every detail.  Perhaps a completely insignificant way to demonstrate the reflection but I need to start somewhere.
  • We were introduced to Joel today. EH'd by Bertha and yet another Lincoln Charter dad of two 2.0s. Career military man currently with National Guard (approaching retirement) and a future JROTC instructor. Mentioned that he was a Pittsburgh Steeler fan – Welcome Three Rivers!
  • Some took the hard road and got some extra burpees in.  Nice work!
  • Some regulars are becoming not-so-regular (and it’s not something ex-lax can solve)
  • As always, it is an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3. 

