Heavy Beatin’ for the Little Chubby

Event Date

Jan 09, 2018

Better weather welcomed the second Rock of the year at Salty Caper – nicknamed for 2018 the Chubby Buddha.  As is customary the little Buddha was in attendance and on time which is more than I can cay for Mailman and Hummer who showed up so late we assumed he was just early for tomorrow's workout.  It was notable that no board members were in attendance, perhaps fartsacking in their ivory perch.

Warm up – uze…..

25 SSH done beautifully in cadence

11 ISP

12 Cotton Pickers

10 DC mericans with a move straight to 15 Mountain Climbers – degree from of difficulty 3.2.


YHC sensing enough of that non sense had the Pax zamperini to the NE corner of the plaza…that's where carnage ensued..

25 DC curls and planking while partner ran around plaza (switch)

Lunge walk with bell and zamperini to next station 

25 DC Shoulder presses and plank while partner ran around plaza (switch)

Lunge walk with bell then zamperini to next station

This process continued adding 25 DC upright rows, 25 DC Skull crushers, 25 DC mericans and 25 DC squats (planking and bells applied as appropriate)

zamped over to fountains  for two sets of incline mericans and dips.

zamped back to the little chubby for some Mary:

– 50 bell assisted DC LBC's

– 12 WW2 bell assisted sit ups


– Lear made an uncustomary appearance at kettle bells!  70 yrs old.  That man rocks.

– We found out that "Black ice matters" as several near back and knee injuries almost occurred

– Much concern was voiced for Usain's fragile mental state after the last second toppling of his beloved dawgs.  Our prayers are with him.

– No one wanted to stay for a cup of substandard coffee and unremarkable service at NY Deli.  Perhaps next week we'll assemble for witty banter.

We ended with our circle of trust and as is customary the Chubby Buddha was banished to the perimeter for that lofty and sacred ceremony.  Just wouldn't feel right inviting kidnapped and stolen property carried over state lines to that inner sanctum.

More to follow next week!