Heavy Metal Cobalt

Event Date

Sep 02, 2021


4 strong (literally) for a location change from the clubhouse to the weightroom in Q's garage. We pumped some serious iron with a focus on chest and tri's.


Circuit 1 (4 times through): 1) Bench press (ranging b/w 135 -185 lbs), 2) Bench pullovers (55 lbs), 3) Skull crushers (35 lb plate), 4) Ab exercise of choice with 35 lb kettle bell

Circuit 2 (3 times through): 1) Incline press (135 lb), 2) Tricep extensions / choice of standing or laying down (65 lbs / curl bar), 4) Ab exercise of choice with 35 lb kettle bell


  • Solid crew that moved through it well. 
  • Q had a hard time driving my daughter to school after the workout
  • Pinky was preparing for a long weekend with some high school friends in town
  • Great work men.