Hell Freezes Over (An Eagle’s Tribute)

Event Date

Jan 20, 2016

Hell Freezes Over
Today's workout is in Memory of The Eagles – Glenn Frey.  Music was played, and fun was had.  Links to songs below as well.

Warm-up  (Heartache Tonight 4:26)
10 IC MC

Parking lot mosey (Take it Easy 3:32)
Finish up at the Tennis Court

Tennis Court Suicides /Burpees (Life in the Fast Lane 4:47)
Partner up. 
Partner A runs to First line, while B does Burpees..SWAP
Partner A runs to 2nd line, while B does Burpees…SWAP
And so on to the 3rd & 4th line
REPEATO, but with bear crawl to the first 2 lines

Mosey to the track
Max Mericans followed by Max Sit-ups (Take it to the Limit 4:47)

800m run (The Long Run 3:43)
Try to finish before the song ends for a 7:26 mile pace or better if you can

Mosey to the pull-up bar

Pull-up and Plank Rotation (The Heat is On 3:46)
Rotate through 5 pull-ups then plank.  REPEATO until it ends.  I think we got through 5 times

Grab a Rock or a Block (Seven Bridges Road 3:06)
7 IC Low Curl
7 IC Wide Merican
7 IC High Curl
7 IC Diamond Merican
7 IC Full Curl
7 IC Standard Merican

6MOM (Tequila Sunrise 2:56)
20 IC FM
10 IC Dr. W's

Hearing a 70's rock band legend passing away reminds me of a former pastor of mine.  Dr. Lenny Stadler.  Dr. Stadler had a biography, "From Hard Rock to Solid Rock".  In this book he discusses growing up Christian, joining the 70's southern rock band Blackfoot, doing drugs, and almost dying.  Then the Lord gave Dr. Stadler to ability to change his life around.  He got right with the Lord, quit the band, went to seminary and got his doctorate in theology and went into full time ministry.  Sadly, Dr. Stadler died from a long term illness a few years ago.  Dr. Stadler wasn't perfect, he was human and he made mistakes like we all do.  So whether you made some bad choices or not, or perhaps you are/were the Prodigal Son, you know the Lord is/was always ready to take you back.

Some say the Lord never gives you more than you can handle…but that's just simply not true.  You are guarenteed to get more than YOU can handle, because you need HIM.  WITH God, you can handle it…but it's not really about you anyways now is it?


  • This workout was a lot of fun to plan.  Took a lot of time too.
  • Some technical difficulties linking up with Ziplock's bluetooth speaker.  Continued difficulties selecting the correct song, a few didn't download and we had to play them on the fly.  Thankfully AT&T wireless works way out here.
  • While we're at it, thanks Ziplock for the speaker.  My 1/4" phone speak just wouldn't have cut it today.
  • Closer says during pull-ups "The heat is definitely NOT on"
  • Continued prayers for PAX going through difficult times.
  • Some of those songs BPM, really can mess with a Q's attempt to call cadence…and the PAX ability to follow along.
  • One cry about making a PAX member run out of water before the end of the workout.
  • 6MOM would have been much more interesting with some actual Tequila, or if the workout ended 1 hour later and it was during the actual sunrise.
  • Thanks for letting me lead you today in both your workout of the day and a trip down memory lane.
  • Kringle, good to meet you.  I had thought, how awesome it would be to plan to play "New guy in town" if we had an FNG or someone I haven't met before, but in reality there wasn't a catchy move that I could think of to do while playing it.