Hell Week Continues in Davidson

Event Date

Dec 14, 2016

PAX of 18 showed up for Hell Week's hump day workout. YHC never wants to disappoint so The Murph was in order…well, a slightly modified Murph. Here's the thang:


  • SSH 15X IC
  • Burpees 5 OYO
  • IST 10X IC
  • Burpeeps 5 OYO
  • Windmill 10X IC
  • Burpees 5 OYO

The Thang

  • Run to LNC by the pullup bars – 5 burpees OYO
  • Break up into 2 groups to commence The Murph
    • 10 Rounds
    • 10 Pullups
    • 20 Muricans
    • 30 Squats
  • After 5 rounds PAX took a lap around the school
  • After 10 rounds PAX took another lap around the school
  • With 15 minutes to spare we substituted the run with sprints and more burpees
  • Line up in the parking lot next to the school
    • Sprint to the other end and then sprint back (2 groups)
    • 5 Burpees OYO
    • Repeato decending by 1 burpee after each set of 2 sprints
    • Final sprint was all out earning the PAX one less sprint
    • 9 total sprints
  • Mosey back to the Green


  • Low Flutter 25 IC
  • Low Dolly 10 IC



  • Duvall called for upper body after Grouch's lower body beatdown the night before, YHC was happy to oblidge
  • Bullwinkle was an absolute beast – it took to round 9 for him to admit that the workout was starting to get hard
  • Investigation is underway as to whether or not YHC is somehow Pdiddy's love child given the nature of the beat down
    • Did someone say a bad decision in Daytona Beach?
  • Apologies for not capturing all of the PAX names – we really need to start recording the COT
  • Lifting up the prayer requests spoken today
  • Great crew this morning, awesome effort by all
  • Looking forward to coming back to Q after my month long suspension issued by Commissoner Duvall