Hell’s Ascent…that is all

Event Date

Sep 28, 2017

9 warriors took Hell's Ascent and never looked back. We stayed there all morning long. Here is their story:


Fescue, Lego, Snoopy, and YHC met #TheStandard for ~3 miles on the greenway



SSH x 20 IC
Run up Hell's Ascent
IST x 10 IC
Run down Hell's Ascent
Carrot puller x 10 IC
Run up Hell's Ascent w/ KB
Mericans x 10 IC


Hell's Ascent parking lot suicides w/ escalating KB swings (10/20/30) at top

Low curls x 10 IC
High curls x 10 IC
Full curls x 10 IC
Shoulder press x 10 IC
Skull crusher x 10 IC

11s by running up and down Hell's Ascent
10 burpees at top decreasing by 1
1 squat to press at bottom increasing by 1

Mosey around the parking lot

Bent over row x 10 IC
8 count burners x 10 IC

11s by bear crawling up and running down
10 CDD at top decreasing by 1
1 WWII sit-up at bottom increasing by 1

Low curls x 10 IC
High curls x 10 IC
Shoulder press x 10 IC
Skull crusher x 10 IC

Recover Recover



  • #TClaps Fescue for knocking out his first #TheStandard followed by a good beatdown…I'm guessing that will become a regular thang
  • Yo-Yo was shot out of a cannon on the suicides…crushed it this morning brother
  • Bam Bam needed a masseuse after WARM-A-RAMA…sorry I don't think our dues cover that…heal up brother
  • Cajun Cowboy was amost renamed Asian Cowboy #S2K
  • BoarHog just out works the next guy…good to see you this morning
  • Bunyan just smoked the burpee portion…PSA to Isotope…Burpee Bunyan is BACK!
  • Lego and Snoopy crushing it as always…thx for the push this morning
  • Novant Health 5K is this Sunday. It's going to be an AWESOME morning. Watch your emails for the final pre-blast with a schedule for race morning.
  • Such an honor to lead this group of warriors at the toughest AO on Thursday mornings. Getting stronger was the goal today and I'm pretty sure we accomplished that. Thanks for joining and for crushing this beatdown. Thanks to Bam Bam for the opportunity to Q at #DragonSlayer and to Lego for taking us out. You men continue to inspire and motivate. Keep being the light to those that need it most. Until the next time…

Don Ho