Hells Bells Hummer Style

Chef Boyardee was also present, but not yet in the F3Isotope assimilation services.  Three gathered early for an F2 pace of 2.1 miles (London Whale, Pierogi, and YHC), then settled into what seemed to be like any other rank and file Tuesday, kettle bells, at The Rock.  In a tribute to the fantastic Australian rock and roll band (when rock and roll was rock and roll), we did a little Hells Bells today…

Warm Ups: Mozy, high knees, butt kickers, RT/L karaoke, mozy back to COP (IC)- SSH 30, IST 21 or so, Cotton pickers 10, Mericans 10 (slow), SDS w/bell 15, curls 10, skull crushers 10, upright rows 10, lawn mowers 15 R/L (not IC), lay on wall pullovers 10, bench presses 10.

The Thang: Hummer 4 x 44 – oyo – KB swings, burpees, wall step ups and mil press, KB lunges.  Plank to wait, variations of pain in plank.

Partner up- one man carries both bells in brisk walk, other does 20 squats and 20 merkins, runs to catch partner, rinse and repeat for one lap of rectangle.

Return to wall, 10 (IC) more pullovers w/bells, elevated low flutter IC 15

Mary (IC): W's 15, LBC's 15, JLo's 10, Mac Target (sp?) 10

Recover, recover.


-I was met at 5:25 with immediate displeasure from Nymph, who somehow decided AC/DC at 5:20 meant we started at 5:20, check the Tweet, 5:30 was Hells Bells time!

-This Q had a longer and more painful warm up session, hence making The Thang a bit onerous

-We all moved through the 44's pretty well, some stopped for a breath, inlcuding YHC.  I am HOPING that some did not do all the reps.  If that's not the case, I'm very slow!  We expect modification of excercies, it happens at almost every Post.

-Little mumble chatter today….why would that be?

-The partner bell carry, London had a 30, I had a 35, man that's a lot to carry around the block!!

-GREAT to have Cupcake and Pierogi back in the fold.

-The MudRunners were conspicuously absent, but a well deserved rest. 

-Great effort by all PAX, I was smoked and I am hoping most others were too.  Butterstick vocalized his displeasure……and I agreed!

-Thanks London Whale, it's always a pleasure!!