“Helping Hands” for Olive and his family

Jedi and Stray for the Standard

Felt like a RV Q this morning (Re-Virgin Q-Stray inspired) as it has been awhile.  Honor to Q such great men!

I tried to lay it out there the way Olive would and push everyone to their limits and bring out our inner Grit as this will be needed by Olive and his family as they tackle the ultimate obstacle course that no one signs up for and many have not traveled.  Although this course does not have a finish line on earth, no medals, no t-shirts the reward is making it thru one more day and getting strong each day.  One cannot possibly train for this race and know what obstacles they will face but we will be by Olive and his family's side to help them thru those obstacles.  

Warm up:


15 Windmill IC

15 Cotton Pickers IC

That Thang:

1x across Monkey Bars to earn your access to the CB's

Grab 2 CB's and farmers carry to pull up bars

15 Full Curl IC

15 Skull Crushers IC

10 Press up/Squat jumps OYO

Main Event:


11 reps combined of two exercises beginning with 10 Pull-ups and 1 sit-up then 9 pull-ups and 2 sit-ups… and so on down to 1 pull-up and10 sit-ups.  In between each set PAX farmer carry 1 lap around 2 parking lot sections

Mosey blocks back in preparation for some O.L.I.V.E, (oops)I mean something called Mary:

One legged burpees x 2 (1 each leg) OYO

Lbc x 20 IC

Imperial Storm Troopers x 10

V-ups x 5

Elbow plank 1 minute

Skinning the Mole:

  • Thank you Jedi for allowing me this opportunity to Q today, I needed it and I think many of us needed it as well considering the circumstances. You are a role model to all of us.

  • Stray thanks for staying focused and keeping me on point with the time and other things. A BIG thanks for getting the mumble chatter going during the workout to distract us from the suck that ensured.

  • Dry Rub (ouch), Smash and the rest of the Clown Car Posse excellent work and thanks for choosing Samson as your destination for pain this morning. Always a pleasure to work out by your side.

  • Thor thanks for the EH to my first post!

  • Limburger, my wife is a Speech Therapist and has offered to assist you with your communications skills specifically with the number 9 at no cost to you of course.

  • Spare- Disclaimer I am not responsible for broken phones that drop out of hands due to today’s workout or covering damages to clothing or body due spilling hot coffee or liquids that can stain on your clothing. We will however reach out to our F3 brothers on your behalf to inquire if anyone can refer you to a Dr. or Dry cleaner.  Great work out there today.

  • Turnpike sorry not too much running for ya this morning and also that you missed the Standard due to technical difficulties.

  • Uncle Rico and Hasselhoff, think I seen you two do extra laps with the Cindy's. Beasts you both are!

  • Eeyore, Candy and Izzy was a pleasure to have you there today and look forward to seeing you all out in the gloom again soon.

  • 66 you do have 2 6 packs or a 12 pack of Abs right (that’s why you are 66)?

    Jedi thank you for taking us out and delivering such a strong prayer for Olive and his family as they arrive in NY today.  Also praying for Jimmy O and safe travels for him as he goes to NY to represent F3 and keep the constant reminder in front of Olive and not letting him forget the support he has in F3.   Spare I hope everything goes well with your mothers Niece and we lift you and your family up in prayer.   
