Here comes the BRR

Event Date

Sep 04, 2018


10 men of F3 Isotope came looking for fellowship and found so much more at F3 GAGA. Here is their story:


Everyone listed above sans Snoopy set off for a 2ndF paced run

~5 miles for an out-and-back loop through Jetton Park

Recover recover


Oh theres Snoopy…


  • Goatbuster team run with some Billy Bob and Anchovy sprinked in made for a lot of pre-BRR chatter
  • Strong work to everyone as we are now fully immersed in a BRR taper
  • Prayers up for the folks involved in the shooting that happened in Admirals Quarter Apartments last night. We ran by on this run and still a heavy policy presence in that community.
  • Chrismas Party is December 1st…get signed up ASAP
  • F3 Taco Tuesday is upon us…go get those tacos
  • Always an honor and pleasure to lead the men of F3. Thank you for the constant fellowship, encouragement, and motivation that you all bring to YHC and all the men of this region. Until the next time…