? Here’s a story, about a lovely lady…” ?


  • Mosey 'round the lot to get the blood flowin’
  • 25 Robot Hops (Goose Step Jumping Jacks) YHC was getting bored with Side Straddle Hops, so I invented these.
  • 10 Abe Vigodas (windmills in slo-mo)
  • 20 Girl Fights (YHC’s invention: arms swinging fast in a big arc, in cadence).  
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys OYO (my FG percentage: 10%  Pax: 20% Nice job!)
  • 10 Slow Merkins in cadence with last-rep hold.


  • Fast Run to Railing: At Oakhurst and Bailey.
  • 20 Super-Slow Triceps Dips in cadence
  • 20 One-Arm Australian Pull-Ups in cadence each arm


  • Run the wrong way to the pavilion. Had to improvise.
  • 20 Teabag Partner Leg Throwdowns OYO
  • 7 Worst Merkins Ever (wide arm + regular + diamond = 1, in sequence, in six-count cadence). I was going for 10, but only three hours of sleep caught up with me and I had to bail. Surprisingly, nobody complained.

Offered no more Worst Merkins in exchange for local knowledge of shortcut to pavilion. It didn’t seem that short, but I kept my promise.

  • Run the long way to the pavilion
  • Karate Kids (one bent leg in Crane Kick position) hold for duration of 23rd psalm each leg. Multiple Pax included the “Cobra Kai kick to the face” at the end, which is now an official addition.

The pavilion was just a way station, so…

  • Mosey to the big hill
  • Duck Walk with Rock to top of hill. We mostly looked more like Neanderthals than ducks. If the shoe fits…
  • Arm-O-Rama: Skull Crushers/ Full Curls/Shoulder Presses for entire length of Ruffner hill.

Threatened more Worst Merkins Ever if Pax didn’t offer up a song, scripture, or poem. Trying to insinuate some culture to the Neanderthals, but nobody bit, so Worst Merkins it is. Wait, what’s that? Someone’s singing? A classic from the Golden Age of music perhaps? No, it’s the Brady Bunch theme. Now we know the level of the room. Worst Merkins averted. Barely.

  • Arm-O-Rama Repeato down Ruffner hill. “Here’s a story, about a lovely lady…”

Gently replace rock in original position (or not). Don’t take it out on the rock, gents. You’re the one that picked it!

  • Mosey home to Mary. Beetlejuice asked if we were going all the way. We have seen each other a few times, so I reluctantly agreed. Now I regret it.

MARY  (who complained that we were late)

  • 20 Little Baby Flutter Crunches in cadence
  • Upward Facing Dog (feet and palms only) 1 minute

I had lots more ab pain planned, but timeliness is next to Godliness, so I had to call it.

Recover Recover

My take-outs have become increasingly depressing as I list a good portion of the ills of the world, but perspective is an important part of gratitude.

Bonus share by YHC:

Gratitude felt is desirable.
Gratitude shared is dignified.
Gratitude in action is divine.

Finished up with “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” Thanks to Hippie for the encouragement and Waffle House for the Quopportunity!