Here’s to 2020

Event Date

Dec 02, 2020

Here is a brief recap of what happened at this year's Christmas party.

The event was much different than year's past, but still a big success. Thank you to all who helped put the event together and donated. Below are some of the highlights as well as the awards that were passed out. 

  • We collected dozens of toys for Operation Sweet Tooth (OST)
  • We raised over $2,000 for OST
  • Multiple members of the Boatyard LKN staff thanked us for having the event. Times are tough for restaurants right now
  • Turncoat put together an awesome slideshow, with pictures of the Pax and different events from the year
  • Below is a list of the awards that were given to the F3 LKN Pax for this year


Toast to the M's:

In F3 lingo, M means Most Important. Without our Ms, our marriages and families, our communities, cannot work they way they were designed. F3 has the potential to be a great thing for the men here, our families, and our community, but it also requires sacrifice. That sacrifice isn’t by from just us men, but also from you. Thank you for your support.

The joke that got away:

After we toasted the M's, Duvall planned to apologize to them for the inside jokes, and direct them to go on Facebook and answer Swampthing’s poll on which is better a manicure or a pedicure. Swampthing was supposed to be providing the winning choice for the rest of the night, but he bailed early.

And now to the awards…

2020 Awards – Hosted by Duvall

Heart Eyes Emoji Award

  • Jersey Boy for his love affair with Cobra Kai

Rookie of the Year Award

  • Cobra Kai – He’s EH’d about 6 guys in the last few months, which is really cool except he’s meeting the guys at Corkscrew
  • Popcorn – EH’d a number of guys already and jumped in with a lot of energy. Doubled down for his VQ, Excelsior & The Estate

Virtual Virtual Award

  • Heely – for virtually winning every virtual race at the WWC this year. Award given over Facetime

Enron Award

  • Moses and Professor – In all seriousness, thank you for all the hard work getting our taxes squared away


  • Anchovy, Hoodie, Don Ho, Lego, Mort, Perrier, Pop Tart, Cooter, Snoopy, Smokey, Turncoat, Breakfast Club, Duckie, & Fresh Prince –  for Rim to Rim to Rim to Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon

The Optimus Project Award

  • 8-Track, Hacker & Mort – These guys have run over 2,000 miles this year. They’re getting gift certificates for a fee pair of shorts that Optimus will pick out for them

Hey, Look at Me Award

  • Mona Lisa – He Q’d every day for 30 straight days. He did this in 2019, but because Duvall operates prefers to communicate by carrier pigeon, the award just arrived last week

The Wuhan Award (for taking the blame)

  • Primetime – He BQ’d this year after 3 tries at the Myrtle Beach Marathon which set the “events” of 2020 in motion. Optimus says in order to reverse the curse, you have to run Myrtle again in 2021.

Energizer Bunny Award

  • Kumquat – He has run, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. this year

IPC Award

  • Cherry Bomb – For his dedication to the IPC challenge, being at almost all of them and EH’ing guys like mad to take part in it

PETA’s Person of the Year Award

  • Special Sauce – For the puppy stroller incident. Sauce was not there to receive his award – deservedly Bagboy was there to receive it on his behalf

Danielle Steele Award

  • Jolly – For his “prolific” backblasts, quantity over quality

Siskel & Ebert Award

  • Blackbeard – For his constant criticism of Jolly’s backblasts, quality over quantity

Cliquiest Clique Award

  • The Sweatshop – These guys are trying so hard to be anti-Davidson that they are more Davidson than Davidson

Energy United’s Customers of the Year

  • Dallas, Burns, Calypso, Frogger, Royale, & Frazier (Wally Neely) – For driving Tesla’s and talking about them incessantly

Living 3rd Award

  • Fenway – This guy truly embodies what it means to Live Third. He has helped so many of us, in so many different ways, and that help isn’t just in our region, he’s been there for guys in other regions as well. This year he was faced with a few setbacks and we finally got the chance to pay him back. If you were asked to help, you did not hesitate because of what he means to all of us.

Retirement Award

  • Bagboy – to thank him for his service as Nantan. He was presented a superman colored Shovel Flag, compliments of Bouncey House.

MOTY Awards –  this year’s theme – Consistency

Through all the ups and downs and uncertainty in 2020, really came to value Consistency and see it as a tremendous leadership quality. As we began to discuss consistency, certain Pax began to emerge as representatives of each subregion, so we decided to give one to each subregion.

  • Isotope – Outlaw
  • Denver – Mater
  • Race City – Chief
  • MIL – El Tigre
  • Davidson – Crude

Gnarly Goat speech

The night was capped off by a touching speech from Gnarly Goat, who reminded us that each day we post one of the men out there will be having a bad day or be going through a tough time and to be there to pick him up. He also reminded us that steam is Life. The steam pouring off the heads of the Pax each is a sign of Life. 

Final Thought – If not me, then who?

Q: What change are you passionate about seeing? What 1 thing do we most need to address in our community, and what action steps are you taking toward that? That is a Q for each one of us.

Hippie shared his response: Continue pulling in younger guys, guys of different social and economic groups. Keep our eyes and ears open, but it will take more, being proactive. EH's happen when you know someone; the guys we know tend to run in the same social and economic circles, let's expand beyong those circles. 

If not me, then who?