He’s a ‘Brick’house

Event Date

Apr 05, 2016



Today's inspiration comes from our newest PAX, 'Brick' McFadden.  This is Duvall's oldest 2.0.  As many of you know, the McFadden family suffered a tragic loss last week when their mother (Duvall's ex-wife) was struck and killed while walking a dog in Davidson.  'Brick' is in town from San Diego and we wanted to do all we can to help lift him and the rest of the family up.  What better way then an F3 beatdown!! 🙂

So today's message is simple.  Everytime you lift a brick in your workout, think of the McFadden family and lift them up!!!


SSH, IST, Merkins, Moutain Climbers, Leg/Back stretches

Da Thing:

Mosey to DUMC and grab a paver and 2 bricks

Exercises (numerous laps around parking lot, stoping at various stations to do some/all of the exercises each time)

  • Blackjack curls (7 curls from bottom to half, 7 from half to top, 7 full curls)
  • Skull Crushers
  • Side Shoulder Raise
  • Front Shoulder Raise
  • Overhead Press
  • Tricep Extension

Run to dumpster WITH bricks

  • Brick merkins (incline and decline with grade of hill)
  • Brick merkins with single arm "lawnmower"
  • Brick narrow merkins

Run to steps WITH bricks

  • Brick squat jumps
  • Brick mary katherines
  • Brick burpees

Run to wall WITH bricks

  • Brick dips
  • Incline merkins

Run to sidewalk

  • Brick walking lunge
  • Brick backward walking lunge
  • Brick overhead raise and walk to "base"

Mosey back to green for Mary and COT.