He’s Going The Distance

Event Date

Aug 15, 2017

Five furious and ferocious fellas from the final frontier of the 28216 made it out on a still humid morning after the rain showers passed thru to try their hand at Going the Distance.  This is their story.


Dynamic stretching sampler platter. Big ups for the soft gayze.

The Thang

Laps around school with assorted stations whilst en route.  Or Going the Distance, if you will.

Lap 1

Mosey to playground

  • 10 pull-ups OYO

  • 10 leg lifts OYO

Mosey to benches

  • Decline mercans – 10 I/C

  • Dips – 10 I/C

Mosey to stairs near parking lot

  • Calf raises – 50

  • CDD – 10 I/C

Lap 2

Mosey to curb near playground

  • Mike Tyson (part CDD, part squat with legs on curb) – 10 I/C

  • Dips – 10 I/C

Mosey to benches

  • Incline mercans – 10 I/C

  • Alternating leg lifts – 10 I/C, each leg

Mosey to stairs near parking lot

  • Freddie Mercury – 20 I/C

  • Box Cutter – 20 I/C

Lap 3

Mosey to playground

  • 10 pull-ups OYO

  • 10 leg lifts OYO

Mosey to benches

  • People’s Republic of Air Chair – 90 seconds

  • 3-2-1 mercans (4 complete rounds, Double Double counted)

Mosey to stairs near parking lot

  • Plank fest

Lap 4

Mosey to curb near playground

  • 10 point man maker mercans x 7 (up from the original 5)

Mosey to benches

  • Incline diamond mercans – 10 I/C

  • Dips – 10 I/C


  • Q saved some face this week with a solid and organized workout after last week’s debacle.Perhaps spending precious workout time chalk writing for 20 pain stations is a bit overkill. And the A/V problems are inexcusable. It can all be chalked up to poor planning. I promise it WILL happen again

  • Good call by Pax on passing up the "grass exercises". Too much dew, and the relative humidity in my shorts was already to the point of being excessive

  • Suburban sure has covered a lot of miles this summer

  • The origin of the “Mike Tyson” exercise goes back somewhere to Central F3 region

  • Grips continuing education classes this summer featured corn as the primary subject matter. As in jokes. Corny jokes.

  • We got 1.4 miles in today around the school as part of Going the Distance. There are only 88 days until the Charlotte half marathon on November 11th. Read: lace up son

  • Pretty heavy on the tri’s today with no less than 3 rounds of Dips

  • Although alcohol is strictly prohibited at F3 Dads camp unless prescribed by a licensed professional, Q struggling a bit since this is how I manage to make most of my friends

  • Remember to breathe

  • Potential future pre-blast idea to list names of all of the fallen MIL F3 homies. We are not above public shaming

  • Great work men!