Hey Joe, Where You Going With That Gun In Your Hand?

Event Date

Aug 24, 2021


Five of MILF3’s finest fellas came out to Cobalt to dabble with some stretching, do some seriously timed abs, and what can loosely be considered to be yoga.  It was spec-tac-lee-aarr!


  • There was continued inappropriate use of explaining body parts that are being stretched.  Truth be told, Q just wants to hear Pinky use those big Latin words whilst correcting
  • Overheard during the workout: “Hey Joe….”
  • Added both randomly and inappropriately afterwards: “Where you goin with that gun in your hand? I’m going down to shoot my old lady, you know I caught her messing around with another man. And that ain’t too cool
  • With less than three weeks away until ToolTime 2.0 arrival into the world, it’s becoming less of an entry way and more like an exit hatch
  • Natty is a relatively acquired taste when put into new situations like Q’ing a convergence.  Especially when operating at full “Extra Natty” mode
  • What is the male equivalent of an episiotomy?
  • Holy humidity batman
  • We witness some plank induced Parkinson’s today
  • Overheard during the workout “My sciatic is tearing the ass outta me!!!!”
  • Great work men!