Hey! Keep it down!

Event Date

Nov 27, 2021

Five fine souls gathered 'round the launchpad to kick off a chilly tour around the AO. Boucher joined shortly after that to make it a six-pack. FNG-1 is Bubbles visiting from Raleigh. 

*disclaimer: this workout was completely done on-the-fly so things may or may not have gone something like this…


15 SSH (IC)

Toe touches center/left/right 

quad stretches

15 Merkins IC


We focused on moving around the AO keeping our heart rate up, but not too high.  Around 120-130 is the average goal but try keep under 140.

Slow mosey the parking lot starting out toward North Little Egypt, u-turn, up the lot,stop at the tables by the tennis courts for 15 dips OYO.  Continue up and around the lot  At the first chute, continue across with karaoke right (unless your HR is at 140, then just walk.  Swap at the next chute and go to the end. Mosey to the tables outside the gym.  15 step-ups each leg.  Move to the short loop and mosey backwards around.  (Hey look! There's Boucher!) One more quick lap around the short loop and meet Bouch at the gravel road. Head down to the blocks and grab one.  15 IC trifectas followed by 10 IC deep squat curls.  Ok, enough of that crap – put the blocks back.  Quadraphelia up the hill to to the sidewalk.  Pick a spot on the wall for 40 wall kicks OYO – that was fun – do it again.  Mosey up to the loading dock and split into three groups of two.  One group does dock hops while another bear crawls from the bottom to the dock while the remaining two wall sit. Swap when the previous group reaches the next. Repeato x 3 (watch your knee, Bouch!)  Mosey around through the courtyard and to the tables in the back.  25 incline Merkins OYO. Mosey back to the courtyard for some rock-paper-scissors.  Four stations including squats, burpees, side straddle hops, and wall kicks.  Loser walks while winner picks where they go – whoever is there runs out for the next round.  Mosey to the short wall and raccoon-walk one length of the wall (#crowdpleaser).  Mosey around the front of the school and stop at the tables again  Partner up. One partner moseys up the hill (slowly! Keep the HR down) and mosey/walks back down while the other does squats. Swap and repeato until 300 squats are done. Mosey to the down under bars for 25 down-unders and/or 10 inverted 'merkins.  Mosey to the pull up bar for one round of AMRAP pull-ups (optional since the Q can't do pull-ups).  Head back to the launch pad for Mary.



5 DrW IC


10 Low flutters IC 



Short version: It's great to celebrate Thanksgiving but let's try to be thankful EVERY day and remember how truly blessed we are. 


– Great group this morning!  Nice to have Bubbles visiting with us.  Everyone seemed perfectly fine keeping the heart rates under control and staying in the fat-burning zone to work off an extra helping or two of sweet potatoes. 

– Coffeeteria moved to My Brother's Bagel since Cabbella's is closed this weekend but the 2nd F was just as good.  Had some great philosophical discussions about F3 and what it means to us and what our responsibility is to keep it going and #GiveItAway.  Which reminds me…

– As always, it is truly an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.