Hey…Where’s the Rain?

Event Date

May 17, 2016


For all those fartsackers who embraced the warmth of their bed hoping to stay dry this morning…we got soaked (with sweat, not rain!). You missed a very strong effort by 8 of Isotopes bravest PAX. The morning started easy enough; but finished with a trip around the bases. Here’s our story:


We ran through the Viking’s front yard (the sidewalk adjacent to Hwy 115) executing butt kickers, high knees and karaoke moves on the way to N. Meck Park’s main entrance. At the entrance circle we got warm:

  • SSH (IC) x 20
  • IST (IC) x 10
  • Mountain Climbers (IC) x 10
  • Break Dancers (IC) x 10
  • Cotton Picker (IC) x 10

The Thang

We moseyed through the locked gate and found the first parking lot (where we normally conduct our warm-o-rama) for some four corners:

  • Lunge walk to first corner
    • Shoulder Touch Merkin (IC) x 10
  • Crab walk to second corner
    • Mactar Jai (IC) x 10
  • Lunge walk to third corner
    • Diamond Merkins (IC) x 10
  • Bear crawl to fourth corner
    • Plank Jacks (IC) x 10

Mosey to the rock pile and find a “friendly rock”

  • Run to the bottom of the hill
    • Carolina Dry Docks (OYO) x 10
  • Run to other side of the circle
    • LBCs (OYO) x 20
  • Run back to the bottom of the hill
    • Monkey Humpers (OYO) x 10
  • Run back to the top of the hill
    • Grab your rock: Curls (OYO) x 25
  • Repeato
  • Run to the bottom of the shorter hill (toward tennis court parking lots)
    • Burpees (OYO) x 5
  • Quadraphelia to top of the hill
    • Grab your rock: Skull Crushers (OYO) x 25
  • Repeato

Mosey to the shelter/concession stand by the baseball fields and find a partner

  • P1: run to the bottom of the hill, SSH (OYO) x 5, crawl bear to the top of the hill
  • P2: People’s Chair
  • Flip Flop
  • P1: run to the bottom of the hill, SSH (OYO) x 5, crawl bear to the top of the hill
  • P2: BTTW
  • Flip Flop

Mosey to the pitcher’s mound of one of the baseball fields where we combined three of man’s greatest inventions: F3, Mary, and Baseball. We kept our partners (luckily we had four groups of two) and went to a base to complete each base’s assigned Mary exercise:

  • 1st Base: LBCs (IC) x 10
  • 2nd Base: Low Flutters (IC) x 10
  • 3rd Base: The W (IC) x 10
  • Home Plate: Crunchy Frog (IC) x 10

Once we finished at one base we sprinted to the next base and executed that base’s exercise. We had 9 minutes to spare for Mary; we were trying to make four loops, we got 3.5 loops in (almost did it!).


  • Really really good effort by the PAX today.
  • We started with some good conversation, somewhat of a second F pace. The morning quickly became quiet (at least for me) while work was getting done!
  • We continue to send prayers up for Olive and his family. We will be here as long as he needs us…which is to say, we’re always going to be at his side.
  • Many thanks to Stromboli for letting me take this last minute Q. Again, F3 has a whole new meaning to me since I’ve begun the adventure of Q-ing. If you haven’t done it yet…you’ve got to try…it will be a game changer for you!
  • Keep EH-ing. Surely there is someone else out there that needs this…you never know when you may be making a huge difference in someone’s life by exposing them to The Nation.