Hey you can’t name yourself!… well, actually, that’ll work…

Event Date

Jan 30, 2018


Ten hard-chargers sallied out to gurgle, sputter, flail and cavitate our way through an aquatic hour. 

1.  MiniMe went to full power, all engines ahead full today as he ballasted for maximum speed.

2.  Speaking of maximum speed, Samsonite was leaving a massive wake as he sped along.  I know because I was in it.

3.  YHC had sort of assumed that Tulu was Tulu's nickname.  Turns out that his real name.  After a moment of confusion during CoT, Tulu dubbed himself "Tiny Tim".  Although self-nicknaming is generally not allowed, this one seemed ok, so we rolled with it.

4.  Jethro is growing a full hillbilly beard, which is always good to improve swimming times.

5.  We went a long way again today.

Another fine morning of chlorine, an odor I'm sure all of our co-workers appreciate from us.  Let's 'em know we're clean.

Aye.  GG sends.