Hi Pot Circuit Testing

Event Date

Jul 01, 2017


Cheetah and Spokes lit up the cycling circuit before the workout.

Cheetah and Metro killed a few tough tough circuits. We missed all the beach combers, injured, and Mustang travelers. 

: (


Here's the deal:


Warm Up

20x SSH

15x Mtn climbers

10x windmills

10/10 Dippy Birds

Arm circles

10x hand lift merkins

20x apollo ohnos


Little Hill run with 10 HRBurpees at top

Go get a block


Pkg Lot Circuit

A does 10 curls, shoulder press, or skull crushers while….

B does Agility Ladder (2x zigzag hop, 2x hands side in/out, 2xin/out hop)

Flip flop

6 rotations


Little Hill run with 10 HRBurpees at top


Front playground circuit

Woolly worm

Block squat thrusters


Apollo Ohno

Merkin t-planks

Dippy bird

Block rows




Little Hill run with 10 HRBurpees at top


Back playground circuit

Pull ups

Step up timer

Shoulder dips

Australia pull ups


Zig zag hops

Calf raises




Reflection: Galatians 5:1

Galatians 5:1 It was for this freedom that Christ set us free completely liberating us; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery which you once removed. 

  • brothers, do not get caught up in the rules of religion. Christ died for all and gives freedom to those with faith in Him. 



  • hot and muggy today. Big efforts by Metro were pushing me
  • Name of the workout refers to the high voltage (high potential, hi-pot) testing we do at work to test electronic circuit boards. Idea is if the board passes a high stress, regular functioning will be a breeze. Don't shy away from the hi-pot tests in your life. Stay true to Him and to yourself. Love others and sacrifice for those you love. Regular functioning will be a breeze. 

Always a pleasure and honor to lead
